Page 41 of Wrecking Love
The energy in the air vibrated against my skin, creating a pleasant buzz that matched the one my vodka gave me. If I had to be stuck dealing with everything tonight, I planned to do so drunk.
Especially since Killian was competing alongside Sam for the Byrnes.
Which meant more of seeing my husband.
Damn it.
Vodka made it tolerable—rather made it so I didn’t spend every second studying him. I found myself doing that a lot. I couldn’t wrap my head around how different he was. And yet, the more I stared, the more I found little things that hadn’t changed. That crooked smile of his that tilted more on the left than the right. The dimple it brought out. The way his hand slapped over his heart whenever he laughed too hard. Or how his head tipped back when he did. How he paused whenever he ran a hand through his hair to rub the back of his neck.
It was all so… Killian.
No amount of tattoos or muscles could take that away.
It was all very dangerous for me to notice. It tested the boundaries of my anger with him. I wasn’t sure I could cling to my anger if I began to connect to him again. And I needed my anger. I needed it to survive him.
The only way out of whatever mess we were in was divorce. I knew that. I wasn’t an idiot. I never dared to pursue it. I was sure he probably would. After three years something had to give. I needed to steel myself for it, or I’d end up hurt all over again.
It was Killian and Sam, Cole and Danica, and Maverick and Axel—though, Axel was so drunk I wasn’t sure how he’d make it out. Unfortunately, Roan wasn’t any better. The Ironwood boys were enjoying their vacation. Cade was also set to go out with them, even if Isla hadn’t made her appearance yet.
I stood to the side with Raven and Declan, only half listening to Declan as he tried to explain the game. Something about balls hidden in the desert? I wasn’t sure. I never really paid attention to what they were doing out there.
“All right, listen up you fucks!” Cole hollered. The way everyone shut up when he talked was impressive. “A few too many of us are drunk—”
“You’re drunk too!” Declan shouted, and I giggled. Drunk Declan was a riot.
“And that’s the fuckin’ problem!” he yelled right back with a laugh. “My crew is sober and ready to rescue our dumbasses if we need it. We’re doin’ this with just enough sunlight that maybe we ain’t goin’ to end up lost in the fuckin’ desert. And y’all are goin’ to lose anyway!”
“Fancy fucking words!” Roan said loudly.
“Ain’t no truer words ever been said,” Danica told him as she crossed her arms. “Y’all suck when it comes to the scavenger hunt. That’s just facts.”
“I’m here! I’m here! Holy fuck balls I’m so late but I’m here!” A very loud and very Scottish voice screamed. Literally everyone turned. Everyone. Isla Lochlan sprinted across the massive backyard. Wild ginger hair flew everywhere, and a big smile broke apart her serious expression when she saw us. Correction: when she saw Nolan. “Nolan! Hi! How are you? Good? Good! I hope it’s good. I don’t have time to figure it out.”
Between her accent and rapid speaking, I barely understood a word she said. If Nolan did was a mystery. All he did was nod.
“Quit talking and start undressing!” Cade ordered. “You’re so fucking late!”
“I know I’m late—hi, Raven!”
“You’re here!” Raven squealed. She threw her arms around Isla’s shoulders in a giant hug.
“Less dancin’ and more undressin’!” Cole ordered. “Or we’re startin’ without you.”
“Fine,” Isla shot back. “If you wanted to see me naked, all you had to do was ask.”
“That ain’t… what?” A scattering of laughter followed his flustered response.
“Oh, you made him speechless!” I exclaimed.
“Men.” Isla rolled her eyes and peeled her shirt off. She handed it off to Nolan, who surprisingly took it. “You just have to keep them on their toes. Especially the ego-afflicted ones. Just say the things they don’t expect. It’s funny to watch them flounder.”
“Nemo,” Nolan squeaked out, his eyes widening behind his glasses. Oh, my sweet smut-writing wolf. “Nemo, Nemo, Nemo.”
“Oh, I love Nemo!” Isla exclaimed. She continued to undress and loaded up an awkwardly willing Nolan’s arms with her clothes. His face grew redder with every article of clothing she lost. Thank goodness it was dark enough out that no one else seemed to notice. “Though, don’t tell anyone, but I liked the second one better.”
“Nemo,” he repeated quieter.