Page 71 of Wrecking Love
“Language!” Mom hollered from across the bar, and I rolled my eyes. “Don’t you roll those pretty blue eyes at me, Killian Donovan Byrne.”
I turned red around the ears and rotated to stare at her while everyone laughed. How the fuck had she known? She smirked and raised her glass in my direction.
“Anyway! As I was saying, I got this… idiot in the draw, which let’s face it, we all never thought we’d see the day he actually got married after dragging his paws so da… dang long,” I stated. Jesus fucking Christ, trying to censor myself was a fucking feat. “But I guess it took the right villain to change his mind.”
I winked at Raven as she beamed.
“Now, this means I’ve got best man duties for your wedding. I figured, what better way to make it all about me than to sing a song for you,” I told them. “And I have the perfect fu… freaking song I want to play at your wedding, so to celebrate your engagement, I’m going to give you a preview.”
“You don’t have to,” Declan said quickly.
“Oh, but I do.” I fucking smirked. I was too damn excited for this bullshit. He had no clue what I was about to hit him with.
“Just let him sing to us, baby,” Raven cut in. She kissed his cheek as he held her closer. “It’s a sweet idea.”
“You don’t know him the way I do, honey,” he replied. “It’s not sweet when Killian does anything.”
“Trust me, you’ll love it.” Or try to take my ass out later. It was really up in the air. “This one’s for the happy couple and to kick off round two of the Fall Games.”
Without further ado, I began strumming on my guitar. I’d spent weeks perfecting my rendition of ‘A Guy Walks Into A Bar’. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up. Raven damn near folded in half, recognizing the melody immediately, while Declan frowned as he tried to place it.
Music was my thing, and I had no problem with performing. I loved the fucking high of belting the lyrics out loud and watching how it changed a crowd. I weaved my way through the first verse, my rich voice carrying through the quiet bar. When I hit the chorus, Declan fucking sighed.
“Oh, come on!” he exclaimed. I kept going, working my way through the second verse. Glancing down, I winked at Sam and Lucas, who nodded. Yeah, the song was only part of the surprise. When I hit the second round of the chorus, Sam, Lucas, Finn, and Nolan hopped up on their chairs to join me. Beers raised, they belted out the chorus with me while Declan’s face only deepened in color.
Poor luck, buddy. I wasn’t fucking done.
I strummed and swayed my way through the bridge. My gaze slid around the table where the other pack leaders were grinning like idiots along with us. The second I hit that chorus one last time, all of them climbed on their chairs—drinks and voices raised loudly. Mom and Brady got into it from across the bar. Even Raven sang along from her spot on Declan’s lap as he hid his face between her shoulder blades.
It was fucking perfection.
“Raise your fucking beers to the best fucking lumbersnack a guy can know!” I yelled as I wrapped up the song. And the entire bar did—complete with another loud as fuck chanting of the word lumbersnack. That was the fucking icing on the cake. “Love you, Declan.”
“I’m seriously questioning that,” Declan retorted, but that grin on his face said otherwise.
“Again!” Raven exclaimed.
“I’m not a circus act, woman.” I stepped off my chair and took my guitar off. She pouted. Fuck, I caved so goddamn fast. “Later. Fuck, why does that look work?”
“She’s perfected it,” Cade said.
“You’re not singing that at my wedding,” Declan insisted.
“Oh, but I am, fucker,” I retorted. “I’m coming up with a whole goddamn playlist.”
“It’s free entertainment.” Raven shrugged. “We don’t even need to get a band. We can just put your brother up in front of everyone with the guitar. And he has to do it because he’s the best man.”
“No!” I said quickly. Hold the fuck up. I was not free entertainment. “I don’t have to do shit!”
“But what if the bride asks for it?” Declan replied with a grin.
“Oh, you fucker.”
“You offered to sing,” she stated. “And I would personally just love it if you’d sing the whole time. During all the getting ready shit, the ceremony, the pictures, the reception… do you think we could get him to serenade us for the sexy after-the-reception pictures we have planned?”
“The what?” Declan and I demanded. My eyes widened. Shit, when this woman rolled with something, she went all out.
“It’s not like we’ll be naked.” She waved us off.