Page 103 of Whisper
Wes glowered at our two friends who clearly knew no boundaries. “Why would you ask me that?”
Jamie opened his mouth to likely say something else outlandish, but the whistle cut through the air.
“Get your asses over here!” Coach roared.
The four of us moved forward, but Kruger caught my arm, pulling me back. “P, you sure you want to do this?”
I met his concerned stare. “I’m sure.”
He hesitated, then nodded. “Then I’m with you. One hundred and ten percent.”
“I appreciate that.”
“It’s what we do.”
I nodded. “Maybe stand beside me?”
“Bro, sure.” He agreed. “But later, you’ll tell me, right?”
“Tell you what?”
“About Arsen’s dick?”
I groaned. “For God’s sake. It’s not pierced.”
“Huh. I’d have bet it was.”
I shook my head. His brain had to be waterlogged.
We came to a stop in front of the bleachers where the entire Elite squad was seated. Most everyone was dripping wet with towels around their necks, some still dry. My friends sat in the front row with Coach and Landry standing close by.
Win was even here, it being one of his days to get PT credits. He was on the end by Lars, and standing behind him was the team’s athletic trainer.
Literally everyone was here, and they were all staring at me. Suddenly, my nerves tripled, and my hands started to shake. So I didn’t crush the protein bar, I slipped it into my pocket and then curled my hands into Arsen’s shirt. On my one hand, my fingers crawled up to my wrist to brush lightly over the bracelets he’d given me.
I need to take these off before I get in the pool.
“You’re cutting into practice time,” Coach grumped. “Say what you need to say so we can get wet.”
My eyes shot to Wes, and he nodded encouragingly almost as if he understood even if he had no idea what I was about to say. Oddly, it still made me feel better.
Kruger laid his hand on my shoulder.
I took a breath. “I, ah, just, ah…” I said, swallowing down the lump in my throat.
“Whatever it is,” Ryan said, “Elite is behind you.”
I nodded. “I, ah, I’m gay,” I rushed out. Silence greeted me, and my heart beat so hard my chest hurt.
“And?” Coach said almost as if he were unimpressed.
“Now ain’t the time, Coach,” Kruger warned, voice serious.
I cleared my throat. “I know we have a couple out swimmers already, so I know it probably doesn’t seem like that big of a deal or even something I need to announce. But, ah, I’ve just been really nervous about it and kinda… scared.”
“Don’t be scared, P! We’ve got your back,” Kruger said. “And anyone who doesn’t will be shown the door.”
“So I decided just to tell everyone all at once so I don’t have to repeat myself.”