Page 72 of Whisper
She sighed. “Did she really send money?”
I nodded. “You can ask her yourself when I FaceTime her later.”
“Did you pick a room yet?” she asked.
I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter. Whichever.”
She frowned. “You should go look. You might like one better than the other.”
“I’ll just take the one closest to the bathroom,” I said.
She laughed. “Practical.”
Since she and Ben were sharing a room, I insisted they take the “master,” which had its own ensuite. That meant I got one of the other bedrooms without an attached bath, but the one in the hallway would be all mine.
As overwhelming as moving was, it would be nice to have my own spaces.
“You flirting with my wife, bro?” Kruger asked, coming into the kitchen to wrap his arms around Jess from behind and pull her into his body. He nuzzled his face into her neck, getting tangled in her hair, but he didn’t complain. In fact, I was pretty sure I heard him growl the word, “Mine.”
“Your fiancée is my sister,” I said, throwing the F-word out there just to annoy him.
Lifting his face out of her neck, he said, “Your mind is on vacation, but your mouth is working overtime.”
I laughed.
Arsen appeared, his eyes taking in the three of us standing there. “Did you guys need help with anything else?”
“It would help if you left.”
Jess gasped and pulled out of Kruger’s arms. “Benjamin Hayes Kruger, what the hell has gotten into you?”
Arsen just smirked. “Sorry, bro.” Then he gestured to his shirt. “No requests.”
“I can see why you’re a DJ,” Kruger said. “You have a face for radio.”
Arsen laughed, but I didn’t think it was funny.
Pulling out my phone, I shot Kruger a text.
The second his phone went off, he pulled it out of his pocket to check the message. He read it and then looked over at me.
I sent the same message again.
Prism: *cursing emoji* x 2
Before he could reply, I moved past Kruger and my sister to stop in front of Arsen. “I think we’ve got it all from here.”
“I’d stay and help, but I actually have to be at the radio station in an hour.”
“Thanks for helping with the couch,” Jess said, coming to my side. “And for sharing your lawyer with Matty.”
Arsen smiled. “Anytime.” Glancing back at me, he said, “Walk me out?”
I followed him past Jamie and Ryan who were arguing with Max about where and how to hang the TV.
When I stopped partway down the sidewalk, planning to just call out a bye, Arsen grabbed my wrist and tugged me forward. I pulled my wrist free almost instantly, but my feet kept moving, following him all the way around to the front end of the black wagon.
“I’m sorry about Kruger,” I blurted out, more anxious about my best friend than I realized. “I’ll talk?—”