Page 98 of Whisper
“P?” Kruger called.
I turned back to my best friend and nodded. “Is it okay if I ride over with Arsen this morning?”
“Bro, sure,” he said, eyes studying me.
“I’m okay, Ben.”
He relented. “All right, I’ll see you at the pool. But I’m for real. If he’s late, he’ll have to swim extra laps.”
Arsen nodded.
On his way out, Kruger stopped at the foot of the bed, turning to look at Arsen. “So, like, do those hurt?” he asked, gesturing to his chest.
I glanced down at Arsen’s bare pecs, piercings on display, and gasped. “Don’t look at him!” I demanded, using my hands to hide the barbels.
Arsen laughed like he thought it was cute.
“Can’t blame a guy for wondering,” Kruger muttered, moving to the door once more. “I’m assuming A is the one who hauled in those blankets?”
I nodded.
“Really, bro? Pink?” Kruger ribbed.
“I like it.” I defended him.
“As you should,” Kruger decided instantly. “We don’t do stereotypes around here. Gonna wear a pink shirt today to prove it.”
“You don’t have a pink shirt,” I pointed out.
“I’ll buy one,” he retorted, then to Arsen, “We got a front door.”
He shrugged. “I don’t mind taking the hard way to get to Matthew.”
My toes curled under the blankets.
Kruger made a noise. “Smooth, bro, but I’m out. If I stay any longer, I’ll get cavities.” He left, thankfully closing the door behind him.
Groaning, I leaned into Arsen, nuzzling my cheek against the warm, smooth skin of his pec. My eyes drooped when I inhaled his scent.
Against my ear, his voice rumbled through his chest as he spoke. “You get up this early every day?”
“We have a light swim one day a week that starts an hour later.”
“You mean we get to get up at five instead of four?”
“One day a week, we have off,” I told him. “Sometimes I swim anyway.”
“You like swimming a lot, huh?”
“Mm.” I agreed, looping my arm around his middle. “It’s quiet and calms my mind. The water is dense and comforting.”
“Swimming is your music, then.”
I thought about it. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Well, you better get dressed so you aren’t late,” he said, patting my bare hip.
“I don’t mind swimming a few extra laps.”