Page 11 of Strike A Chord
“Nothing out of the ordinary. The girls are running the floor and in need of a break.” I hopped behind the bar to help. “I think we need to hire another server.”
“I think you’re right. I’ll put out an ad tomorrow, unless you’ve got someone in mind for me to interview?”
“Let me ask around.” On that note, Daniel hit the floor to break the girls while I filled drink orders.
The kitchen we used was shared with the hotel’s breakfast service staff. Having a cook in there at night wouldn’t be an issue. Hell, if things kept going our way, I may consider opening earlier and adding lunch service. The options were limitless, and it appeared the bar gods had smiled down on us.
Before long, Daniel rejoined me behind the bar. “Did Josh and the guys stay to watch the other bands?”
“Nah, some guy named Sal from Masterson was meeting with them when I left.” The comedic eyes bugging out of his face look Daniel gave me was hilarious. “What?”
“You know who that was, don’t you? The owner of the biggest band management company in Seattle. Hell, likely for the entire west coast, and the one Josh’s former band was signed with.” Fuck, I knew that name was familiar though I’d hoped it was for a more positive reason.
“Oh shit.” I filled drinks on autopilot, thankfully I’d bartended long enough it came naturally. The what ifs and how much getting signed would mean to Jason and the guys wouldn’t subside. On a personal level, I didn’t know jack about Josh but hoped that would change. What was I getting myself into exploring thoughts such as these? There was no time in my life for a boyfriend, but Daniel was right—Josh and I had been dancing around something for a long time. I only hoped it was more than just fucking to him.
Chapter Five
“Come in, boys. I know it’s a tight fit, but I’ll make this quick.” One by one we filed into the office, but I stayed right by the door. Quick exit and all that. “Previously, Diamond and Easton had been to your show and unfortunately your guitarist walked off stage that night and that was the end of that. I, however, didn’t give up. I’d been sent a video of Playing With Fire and liked what I heard. But when I received the same of Chaotic with Josh on guitar,” I groaned. Shit was about to go downhill. “I had to see a live performance myself.”
Tension mounted as Sal took his sweet ass time getting to the punch line.
“With that being said, I was pleased but I’m not going to sugar coat it. Josh, you’re talented, no doubt about that, but your past supersedes you. The Masterson bands won’t go easy on you, and I won’t risk those relationships. If we make a deal, I’m throwing you right to the wolves. If you accept this offer and it goes well, it will end with a contract. If it doesn’t then I’m sorry, boys, we’ll have to part ways.”
I dropped my head and nearly drew blood as I dug into my skull, scratching the hell out of it. “Why can’t anyone let the past go? You don’t think losing everything has changed me? How is it others get a second chance, yet I’m not allowed one? Ten years, Sal. Ten fucking years of my life I lost.”
“I’m offering you a second chance. Stay out of trouble and don’t piss my boys off and you’ll get signed. But there will be an out clause in that contract clearly stating if you mess up in any way, you’re out. The same goes for all of you, but we know it’s Josh they’ll keep tabs on.” Sal’s glare nearly set me off but I managed to keep the demons locked away.
“What is it you’re offering, exactly?” Jason asked, taking Sal’s glare from me.
“Rocktoberfest. One of the Sunday bands pulled out, early in the lineup. I want Chaotic to take it. I will send a bus to pick you up and take you there and back. You’ll sleep on the bus and your food and transportation will be covered. I’ll also pay Chaotic five thousand dollars to play. Is this agreeable with all members?” Sal’s eyes went from Jason, to Marley, to Nigel, and last to me as we each readily agreed. “Excellent. You have a bit of time to tighten up and arrange whatever you need to before then. Jason, I’ll be in touch.” With that, Sal left.
“Come on, guys. Let’s load up. We’re taking tomorrow off but band practice on Monday and we have another show Tuesday night.” We grabbed our stuff and followed Jason out to our vehicles. The guys didn’t say a word to me, they didn’t need to. I knew what they were thinking and I’m sure they regretted hiring me as their guitarist. Talent versus reputation, talent doesn’t always win out. I dropped off my gear at home and considered staying until I remembered that I told Reagan I’d stop at the bar.
“There’s the man of the hour!” Daniel announced as I walked in. My usual seat was taken, so I sat on the only remaining stool.
“You look like you could use a double.” Reagan hit it dead fucking on.
“More than you know.” What if I couldn’t cut it and went off the rails? I’d cost the band everything they’d worked years for. “Fuck.” I shot my drink back and felt the familiar burn as it made its way down. If ever there was a night to get drunk, this was it.
Too bad my bandmates showed up when I was four doubles in.
“Come to kick a man when he’s down?” I snarled, though things were a bit…fuzzy.
“Ah, charming as ever, I see.” Normally, Jason’s smartass comments didn’t bother me but right now, everything did.
“Got that right.” Nigel crossed his arms and glared down at me. His scowl said a thousand more words than he did. He hated me. Didn’t blame him, I hated myself.
“Look,” Jason said, clearly frustrated with how this was going. “We didn’t come here to fight. We came here to make sure you were in on this deal with us. Rocktoberfest is a huge fucking deal, and we want you with us, but we need your word you won’t fuck up. It’s all yours if you want it but the first run in with the law or any other band and you’re out on your ass. You know as well as we do that Chaotic is your last chance in this industry.”
“Thanks for the fucking reminder.” I didn’t need this shit nor had I ever had a single run in with the law. Just went to show you how ignorant some people were, always assuming shit. I couldn’t get any lower than I was right now, and Nigel’s groans only served to further piss me off.
“What’s his problem? Did I fuck your boyfriend? Girlfriend?” Nigel stared straight through me. Me personally, I had no preference and didn’t want to assume the same for Nigel. I’d fuck anything with a willing hole. Or at least, I used to. Nigel made a move toward me, but Jason and Marley cut him off.
“He’s a huge Maiden and Social fan,” Marley explained which did abso-fucking-lutely nothing to help this situation. Who wasn’t a fan of theirs? Hell, even I was, and I could play every damn one of their songs.
“Who isn’t?” If I had a dollar for every time some asshole said that to me. I got it, both bands fucking rocked but continually throwing that line in my face fucking sucked and I was over it.