Page 22 of Strike A Chord
And then Jason ruined it all by calling time.
“Hey, babe.” I was in such a Zen mood when I got to the bar, the pet name slipped past my lips when I leaned over the bar top to kiss Reagan. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, I think he kinda liked it if his smile had anything to say about it.
“Hey to you, too. Good practice?” It always amazed me how he could load and unload the dishwasher while keeping up with the conversations going on around him. I had the attention span of a zit and would’ve dropped every glass. Single focus was all I had to offer. Probably one of the reasons it was a challenge for me to interact with the audience, though I was working on that.
“Yeah, not too bad. We have one more show before we head to Rocktoberfest. Our slot isn’t until Sunday, but Sal wanted us to watch Maiden and Social on Saturday night.” Would be hella crazy trying to keep out of their line of sight, but I’d do my best to blend in with the crowd. “Hey, um, did you and Jason ever…”
Reagan’s brow raised and he looked at me like I was nuts. “No. Why?”
“He’s a bit protective of you so I kinda wondered. I mean, if you did so what, but I was just curious.” Don’t be jealous, don’t be jealous. Brain, that fucking chant is annoying as hell.
Reagan came around the bar and sat beside me. “Josh, I haven’t dated in years, and I don’t do casual, so you know what that means.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Sorry.” Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
He tapped my forehead. “Shut this thing off. It’s going down a road it need not travel.” He stole a quick kiss. “Follow me.” Around the back of the bar, through the kitchen and into a tiny room next to the back exit we went. As soon as the door shut behind us, Reagan pinned me to the wall and kissed me with so much heat my knees nearly buckled. “Liked that, did ya?”
I ground my rock-hard groin against his. “Hell yeah. What else you got?”
Reagan chuckled. “As much as I’d like to get us both off, this isn’t the place, but I wanted to show versus tell you how much I missed you today.”
This guy had no clue what he did to me. From the smell of his cologne or body wash, whatever it was, to the heated looks he'd toss my way and now this steamy soul-reaching kiss. If I wasn't in love with him before I knew without a doubt I sure as hell was now. Who was I kidding, that ship had long since sailed. I think I gave my heart to Reagan the first time we met, though I'd likely never admit that to him. Gotta keep some secrets tucked away.
“All right, handsome, I need to get back out front. Think of cold showers and freezing snow.” I shivered at the thought and the body part that once stood proudly, begging for attention, quickly retreated. Reagan took my hand, and we returned to the bar slower than we had left it. Reagan had nearly dragged me back to the office. Much to my surprise, when we got back out there my bandmates were waiting. Well, all but Nigel.
“Did I miss a band meeting?”
“Nah, we came to see the rarely spotted in the wild Josh, in its natural habitat.” Smartass Marley narrated like you would a nature show. “Some say this beast is illusive, skittish even and is rarely spotted in the presence of others.”
“Jackass.” There was no heat to my word, only meant as a joke, which was exactly how he took it.
Jason cracked up. “Nah, man. We were bored and figured we’d find you here. Thought we’d hang and toss back a pint or two.”
“Well then, by all means, join me.” I gestured to the empty stools beside mine.
“So, what were you and Reagan getting up to?” Marley was in rare form tonight, and I had to say I kinda liked it. Was it possible I was in the process of making friends?
“I don’t kiss and tell.”
“Bummer. I’m in a serious draught and I need all the deets I can get.”
“Ha-ha-ha, you’re a funny fucker.” Who knew?
“I got game, bro.” Marley held up his drink and winked.
“You just said you got no game,” Jason pointed out. “Which is it?”
“I got jokes?” That had both Jason and I rolling. “Hey, man, droughts are serious. What if my dick never comes out of hiding?”
“Then you’re sincerely screwed, my friend.” Jason held his glass up. “To new friends and new adventures. May Rocktoberfest be our ticket to stardom!”
“Hear, hear!” Marley and I tapped our glasses to his.
Chapter Ten
“All right. My name is Deuce and before you make any jokes, remember I can bench press three-fifty which is, what? All your combined weight?” My bandmates and I groaned in unison. “Remember that. I’m your security detail and our bus driver for this journey is Gabe. Hop aboard, pick your bunk, and settle in. We’ve got a long drive ahead of us.” Marley and Nigel raced in and snagged the bottom bunks. I was last to board and as I walked past the kitchen area, Marley was already rummaging through the food.