Page 41 of Strike A Chord
Continue alone, safe, where his heart stayed tucked away
Pick a new path, a new life?
Or would it only lead to heartbreak?
Safe, his brain pleads, leave your heart out of it
Seek the one who holds your soul and find love, his lonely heart begged
As the battle raged the man’s confusion turned to anger
The argument old and tired, it was time for a change
A lone wolf howls his empty nights away
The moon, his only friend lights the stage
Alone with his guitar, he plays until his fingers bleed
Does anyone hear? Does anyone care?
As the lone wolf howls, his soul cries with need
Cut so deep there’s nothing left to save
The lone wolf howls
As the man rose another voice said
You’re alone no longer
Take a chance, choose the new path
Follow me and I’ll show you how wonderful life can be
A lone wolf he is no longer
Dancing on the moonlit stage with another
His heart so full, his soul so calm
He forgot what it was like to be alone
Joey came down in the middle of this and sang the lyrics. I was tempted to call Jason, Marley, and Nigel over, but they were doing their own things today. “Hey, can I, um, talk to you guys about something…um, personal?”
They stopped, sat and turned toward me. A bit unnerving to have their attention on me in this capacity. “So, I have this problem. Actually, Reagan mentioned you might be able to help me keep it on the down low but, um, I need to get some help?” That came out as a question, but nerves got the best of me, and I nearly had to sit on my hands they shook so badly.
“What’s going on?” Joey asked.
“I have these, um, episodes. Nightmares. Reagan calls it PTSD and I thrash around, scream and shit.”
“Where’s the question?” Stoli asked. “I’d like to help but I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking of us.”
I sighed and questioned myself. “I need professional help to get past or learn how to deal with childhood abuse.”