Page 23 of Missing in Action
“Sublime as always, Mr. Austen,” Brandon said after the first mouthful.
“Thank you,” said Finn, not believing him even though he thought it tasted good too.
“Did you put more garlic in it this time?”
Finn shrugged. “Maybe three or four cloves.”
Brandon coughed. “Shit, Finn, good job I don’t mind your stale garlic breath in the morning.”
“Right back at you, Sheriff,” Finn said.
Brandon grinned. He squeezed Finn’s knee under the table. “Seeing as you didn’t get much sleep last night, maybe an early night is in order tonight?”
“One hundred per cent,” Finn said.
Finn leaned towards him. Their noses brushed. “Yeah.” Then their lips. Brandon caressed his thigh, moving onto its inner side.
“I love you,” he said against Finn’s mouth.
“I love you more,” Finn said.
Brandon drew back, smiling. He chewed another mouthful. “So,” he said, “what did the writer do to upset you today?”
Finn sighed. He had hoped Brandon had forgotten. His cock was hard just from the touch of Brandon’s hand and lips and the promise in his eyes, and he wanted to roll around on the sheets for a couple of hours without the conversation with Holden Maddison hanging over his head. “Okay,” he said reluctantly. “You know how I told you Tyler is living on Holden’s property?”
Brandon nodded. He looked away at the mention of the house where Finn had once lived and almost lost his life.
“Well, I went over to see him yesterday with those stump socks I got him, and we got to talking…”
“And you told him about…” Brandon stopped. He reached for his water glass and took a drink.
“Yeah,” Finn said. Neither of them liked to say Dominic’s name. Even now the guy had the ability to cast a shadow over them both. “He told Holden and Holden came to the diner and asked if I’d like to work with him on a book.”
He saw the instant flash of anger in Brandon’s dark eyes before he damped it down. “And how did you feel about that?” he asked in a controlled tone.
“I wasn’t happy.”
Brandon nodded.
“I get it, though,” Finn said. “The guy’s bankrupt. He needs to make a fast buck. Maybe he thought my tale might appeal to readers.”
Brandon put his fork down. He reached out and smoothed his fingertips over the curve of Finn’s cheek. “Once again, you see the good in people even if they’re trying to exploit you,” he said softly.
“I don’t think he’s trying to do that,” Finn murmured. He leaned in to Brandon’s touch, closing his eyes. “I feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for Tyler. They’re both broken souls. They should get together.”
Brandon smiled. “Are they both gay before you try and match make?”
Finn grinned. “I told you Holden’s agent ran off with all his money, right? His male agent who was also his lover.”
“Ah, right.”
“And Tyler virtually told me he has the hots for him.”
“There’s quite an age gap.”
Finn snorted. “So what?”