Page 27 of Missing in Action
Tyler grabbed his prosthesis from where it leaned against the nightstand.
“Yes, tonight.”
A metallic clatter sounded, bodies colliding roughly.
Tyler stood, forcing his leg down into the cup, his heart beating hard.
“What the fuck, man?” Sounds of struggling and Tyler became panic-stricken, rocking his stump into the prosthesis, waiting to hear the pin lock.
Another metallic clang. “We both know how this goes. Stop playing hard to get. A man can only take so much teasing.”
“Hey, I didn’t fucking tease you!”
Come on, come on, lock goddamn you! Oh fuck, what was happening out there? Tyler tried to take a step forward without the prosthesis locked and almost fell.
More struggling. “Get the fuck off.”
Then a fist hitting flesh and Tyler moaned aloud and rammed his stump down, hearing that click and taking off so fast he almost fell again.
“Stop, no, stop!” Holden’s voice as Tyler raced down the hallway.
He heard Holden cry out as he yanked the door open and the scene painted itself across his retinas like some sort of nightmare.
The guy Holden had brought home had Holden semi-naked against the trunk of his car and was trying to penetrate him.
“He said no,” Tyler said, loud enough to be heard over the two mens’ struggles and Holden’s cries.
The guy, blond and built, glanced across at Tyler and fastened his jeans up with reluctance. “No one invited you to the party, man, unless you want to join in?” He looked Tyler up and down, curling his lip when he saw the prosthesis. “Maybe not.”
Tyler stalked forward. The guy threw a punch which Tyler ducked. He drove his fist into the guy’s abdomen, doubling him up before bringing up his left knee—his left knee! The one that ended in a stump!—into the would-be rapist’s face, breaking his nose in a shower of scarlet. The guy staggered back, holding his face and cursing, and Tyler followed him, jabbing him to the kidneys and putting him face down on the concrete.
“Get up,” he said. “Get up and get out of here right now or I swear I’ll finish you.”
The man crawled to his feet, shooting Tyler a look of loathing before he limped away.
Tyler watched him disappear down the dirt track towards town before he turned to Holden.
Holden cut a pathetic figure, still slumped bare-assed on the car. Tyler bent and pulled his jeans and underwear up. “Come on,” he said.
Holden tried to help him, his fingers cold and fumbling. Between them, they managed to get him fastened up, then Holden straightened and turned his face into Tyler’s shoulder.
Tyler swallowed, slinging an arm around him. “It’s okay,” he said gently. “Let’s go.” He led Holden into the house, where he closed the door and bolted it, applying the safety chain. Holden had weaved his way down to the kitchen by that point and Tyler followed him.
Holden slumped into a chair. Tyler eyed him before he ran a glass of water at the sink and handed it to him. “Here.”
Holden took it with an unsteady hand. He slopped some down his front before he drank and put the glass down.
Tyler leaned against the sink. He’d done gentle, now it was time for home truths. “What the fuck, Holden?” he demanded.
Holden lifted his head, looking at him with red eyes. “Never got a date from Grindr, Tyler?”
Tyler bit his lip before he could ask what was so wrong with him that Holden couldn’t have taken him out tonight? “Yeah, and you really chose well.” It came out as a sneer.
Holden’s gaze turned cold. “It’s my birthday.”
Tyler gaped at him. “Well, happy birthday, you almost got raped.”
“Fuck you!” Holden cried, flushing. “Don’t you dare judge me, don’t you fucking dare!”