Page 44 of Missing in Action
It didn’t matter. He pulled his cock free and palmed it greedily with a groan. Fuck, he doubted this would even take a minute. He saw Tyler lying in the bath with the water lapping gently over his chiseled torso and strong thighs. He’d nearly come on the spot last night when he’d opened Tyler’s shirt and seen his chest. Even more so when he’d pushed his shorts down and his amazing cock had sprung free. So thick and long and ready to fuck Holden into oblivion. It felt awesome in his mouth and even better in his ass and Tyler knew exactly where to strike to send Holden out of his mind. He moaned again and leapt almost out of his seat when he heard a quick siren blast behind him.
Holy fuck! His hands wouldn’t obey him as he desperately crammed his erection back into his underwear and zipped up.
A knock at the window and he was face to face with Brandon.
Oh God, please just let me die now.
He buzzed down the window, letting the air-con out and the heat in. “Hi, Sheriff.”
After a quick glance around the interior of the car, Brandon’s gaze fixed on his. “What are you doing, Holden?”
“Nothing, I, I…felt unwell.”
“Uh-huh?” Brandon waited with an arched brow.
“Yeah, I, er, thought I was going to puke.”
“Shouldn’t you be outside the car if you’re going to puke, rather than in it?” The guy caught liars for a living and he showed Holden up to be a bad one.
“Well, yeah, but it passed.”
Brandon’s dark eyes were like fathomless pools of water, nearly the same color as his own. “Do you know the penalty for public indecency?”
“What?” Holden blurted, flushing up to his ears. “I wasn’t…”
“You weren’t what? Jerking off? I could see you.”
“I…I…you don’t understand.”
“I don’t?” That arched brow again, with Brandon leaning oh-so-casually on the roof of the car. “Then enlighten me.”
“I had to.”
Brandon’s eyes bulged. “What?”
“It’s…I just had to. Ask Finn.”
Brandon went still. There was a scene in The Godfather Part Two where Michael Corleone is told by his wife that she’s had an abortion. He goes still, his eyes glittering.
The steadily building rage and chilling look on his face was mirrored here now. Brandon’s eyes went so big and dark that Holden thought he was going to piss himself in fright. “Excuse me?” the sheriff gritted out.
“I…” Oh God, he could never make this right. Not ever.
“Turn the engine off and step out of the car.”
With his stomach in his shoes, Holden switched off the engine, leaving the key in the ignition. Brandon was going to kill him. He was going to fucking kill him and dump his worthless body in the woods to be eaten by animals. Tyler would find somebody else. Somebody not middle-aged with a secret so shameful it had ruined his life.
He opened the door. Brandon immediately crowded Holden against the side of the car. The car made an annoying bonging noise from within to tell Holden it didn’t like him leaving the key inside. “Now, you’re going to tell me why you just mentioned my partner’s name in the same breath as you jerking off, and you’re going to make it good, or so help me, I’ll lock you up and throw away the key.”
Holden shook with fear. “I…”
Brandon pulled a cell phone from the top pocket of his uniform shirt. He thumbed a few buttons. “Why don’t we both listen to Finn on loudspeaker?” he said in a tone like ice and held the phone up as it rang.
Holden shriveled and waited.
“Hey, beautiful,” Finn answered.
“Hey, yourself. I need help.”