Page 49 of When We Collide
Zander nodded. “Okay. Take me to him.”
Derri led him downstairs to a door hidden behind a fake wall that led to a hidden room. And there, blindfolded, mouth taped shut, and tied to a chair was a man, sniveling and tugging uselessly at his bonds.
Zander went up to him and undid the blindfold. Despite the pale face and red, swollen eyes, the resemblance to Scotty was uncanny. “Mayor Don Fallon. Welcome.”
“Umph. Umph.”
“Oh, my bad.” He ripped off the duct tape over the mayor’s mouth, swallowing a smile when the man screamed. He was a squat motherfucker with a hell of a belly and dark beady eyes that were filled with panic.
“W-who are you? Do you know who I am?” Don blustered. “You fucked up.”
Zander grimaced at the shrill tone.
“You fucked up. Release me. I don’t know?—”
“I know who you are, Mayor.” Zander crouched in front of him. “You’re here because you hurt someone I care about. So I’m going to hurt you in return.”
There was a pit in his stomach. Vince didn’t understand why that would be when he’d just had the most intense night of his life. When he could still feel Scotty’s and Zander’s hands on him. Whenever he inhaled, he took the three of them into his lungs and it made his pulse race with adrenaline and remembered pleasure.
So why couldn’t he shake that feeling of something being wrong?
He sat on the edge of the bed while waiting for Scotty to come out of the shower. He’d already showered while Scotty slept, immediately after Zander had left them to go with Derri, the ex.
He didn’t like Derri. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he’d wanted to arrest the fucker for years and never could. Or maybe, just maybe, it was because Derri used to have Zander the way Vince and Scotty just had Zander. If Derri had his way, judging by that soft gaze he always directed at Zander, he would have Zander again.
Vince frowned and shook his head.
Funny how things changed so quickly; one minute he wanted nothing more than to put Zander behind bars and the next, he was here, getting angry at the idea of anybody else touching him. He’d never been the possessive type, but he could be for Zander and Scotty. He wanted to be.
The bathroom door opened and Scotty stepped out, a towel around his waist and water dripping from his hair. Vince lifted his gaze to the younger man’s face.
“Are you okay?” Scotty hadn’t said much since waking up except to ask for Zander.
“Yeah.” Scotty nodded, using the other towel in his hand to dry his hair. “Can we go get something to eat? I’m starving.”
“Yeah. Sure.”
They were no longer confined to their rooms. Thanks to Zander, they could come and go as they pleased, so once Scotty was finished getting dressed, the two of them left the bedroom and made their way down to the kitchen. Two armed men followed them, keeping their distance, and Vince bit back his frustration. He didn’t see why they needed to be shadowed as they moved around the house, but he would take that question up with Zander the next time he saw him.
There was nobody around in the kitchen, though he knew they kept a chef on staff. He and Scotty made themselves sandwiches and sat at the large table to eat. Scotty was quiet.
Too quiet.
“Hey.” Vince put his sandwich down on the plate and reached out to Scotty, touching his arm. “Why are you so quiet? Talk to me.”
Scotty kept his eyes on his food as he shrugged. “I’m fine. Just a little tired.”
“Okay.” Vince nodded. “You can go back and get some rest when we’re finished.” But he couldn’t help the feeling that something else was bothering Scotty. “Um, are you okay with—with what happened between the three of us?”
Scotty’s gaze shot to his. “Yes,” he blurted out. “I mean…” He lowered his tone. “More than okay.” His expression softened. “It was amazing.”
Vince smiled, stroking the inside of Scotty’s wrist with a thumb. “It was. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t having second thoughts or doubts or whatever.”
“No second thoughts.” Scotty licked his lips and Vince’s belly tightened. “I want…” His throat worked. “I want it again.” He said it so softly, with so much hesitation, that Vince got up and went to him, kneeling at his feet and gazing up at him.
“And you will. I’m there with you.” He stroked Scotty’s jean-covered thigh and watched as the other man’s nostrils flared and he shifted into the touch. “Zander also feels the same way.” Not that he’d come out and said it in so many words, but Vince liked to think he could read Zander. He’d seen the raw yearning in Zander’s eyes before he’d left them earlier.
“What do you think happens next?” Scotty asked.