Page 71 of When We Collide
“Zander,” Vince murmured. “Put the gun down. The sooner we get this over with the sooner they can leave. Please.”
Zander hesitated, jaw ticking. But finally, he lowered the gun. “You have three minutes.”
Kane dropped his weapon as well, stepping away and going to Syren. The two of them communicated with their eyes and then Syren moved over to the couch, taking Scotty with him. Kane remained standing, as did Vince and Zander.
“What do you want to talk about?” Vince asked as he stood staring down at Syren.
“Russ, your direct supervisor. You two are close, correct?”
Vince frowned. “Yeah. He’s a good man. Why? Did something happen to him?”
“Did you know he was feeding info back to Murray DuBois?"
“What?” He shook his head. “Fuck no. Russ would never?—”
“He would. And did,” Zander said softly.
Vince swung his gaze over to Zander. “What? No, that can’t be right.” Russ was one of the good ones. He’d kept Vince safe. Protected him when DuBois came gunning for him.
“How do you think my uncle found you?” Zander asked. “Only Russ knew where you were.”
“You called him a day or so ago, didn’t you?” Zander asked.
“Yeah,” Vince answered him slowly. “Just to check in.”
“He immediately turned around and called one of the hitmen my uncle kept on retainer and sent him after you.”
What the fuck? Vince scrubbed an unsteady hand over his jaw. “Why?” Why would Russ do that?
“Because there was a new man at the helm,” Syren offered up helpfully. “And Russ wanted to ensure he still had a place within Zander’s organization. So he figured he’d clean up one last loose end and deliver your head on a platter.”
“I don’t—I don’t understand.”
“He’s been on my uncle’s payroll from the very beginning,” Zander said.
“And he told DuBois about me,” Syren said. “About Kane.”
“Wait. This is who my uncle wanted the info on?” Zander asked Vince, who nodded.
Christ. All this time and Russ had been dirty? Vince had trusted him with his life. Had confided in him. Why hadn’t he seen it? “I’m—I didn’t know about Russ.”
Syren smiled. “I know that. Otherwise, you would be dead right now. I also know you could’ve given up Kane and me when DuBois began pressuring you, but you didn’t. I appreciate that.” He turned to Zander. “I want him.”
“Too late for that.”
Vince blinked in confusion. What were they?—
“I think I deserve the right to kill the man who threatened my family.”
“Well, you can stand in line because he put a hit out on my fucking family.”
Wait, were they discussing Russ’s death? “You have him?” Vince asked Zander. “Why didn’t you tell me all of this before?”
“Because we were a bit distracted, if you recall,” Zander responded. “Anyway, he’s on ice and he’s not going anywhere. I’ll deal with him when we get back to Jersey.”
“We,” Vince corrected him. “We will deal with him.” He wanted to look Russ in the eye while the other man confessed to all the shit he’d done. He’d put so many lives in jeopardy, not just Vince’s. Kane had a family he was raising with his husband. Vince didn’t want to see anything happen to them. They didn’t deserve that.