Page 54 of Bound By Magic
“I’m working on it. Sleep.”
I frowned. “You can’t sleep there, your bones are going to ache tomorrow.”
“I’ll manage.”
I pulled the bed covers down. “Don’t be stubborn, and get in the bed.”
“I don’t need to sleep in the bed.”
“The hell you don’t. Come on.”
Lucien seemed unconvinced. It wasn’t until I slid into the bed and settled under the covers that he picked himself up off the chair and walked over. Instantly, instantly, I regretted this decision. Seeing him standing there, fluffing up his pillow wearing only a t-shirt and briefs… I had to look away. I had to turn my eyes, take a deep breath, and question every single bad decision I had ever made with this man.
At this point, it was chronic. I would, at every turn, invite danger into my life—especially when it came to Lucien Diaboli—it would’ve been hilarious if it didn’t also get me into so much shit. Because here I was, lying on a bed into which this incredibly attractive man was about to slide into.
I could have let him sleep on the armchair, but no, he had looked a little bit uncomfortable, and so I invited him to share the bed with me. Why? Why in the world would I have done that, knowing full well that I was about to become the uncomfortable one?
Lucien finished fluffing his pillow and slipped into the bed. He lay down, facing up, and gently sighed. “Are you sure this is okay?” he asked.
“Yep,” I briskly said, shutting off the bedside table light. “Just keep your hands to yourself.”
“My… what?”
Idiot. “Nothing, never mind. Goodnight.”
Sighing my own, deep sigh, I let myself slide deeper into the bed and turned onto my side, turning away from him. Squeezing my eyes shut, I started counting sheep, hoping that would expedite the process of sending me off into dreamland.
His lips.
Uh, twelve.
My throat.
I forgot four… fuck.
Lucien turned onto his side, facing away from me. I felt his arm brush against my back as he moved, sending that familiar warm pulse of excited energy coursing through me. I squeezed my legs shut tightly, cursing my traitorous body, and curled further into a ball, hoping that would be enough.
After a few minutes of lying there on my side, as wound up as a ball of yarn, I knew… I would not be getting any sleep tonight, because I had made a huge mistake. Without so much as a warning, I got up, grabbed my pillow, and marched over to the armchair Lucien had been sitting on earlier.
He didn’t stop me.
He didn’t protest.
It wasn’t until I sat down and placed the pillow under my head that he spoke.
“I’ll bite,” he said.