Page 85 of Bound By Magic
“And we will. Like you said, we’ll take this thing back to him, it’ll put his guard down, and when his guard is down, we’ll plan our next move. Besides, now that we’ve done this, he may give me a little more freedom around the house. I’m looking forward to not getting locked in a bedroom again.”
He stared at me, his expression tight, and serious. “How can you be so upbeat and positive?”
I shrugged. “Weirdly, when someone else is in a crisis, it often makes the other person calmer. Whenever my brother freaks out about something, I’m there to bring him down. And when I’m up the walls, he’s the sane one. It just works.”
Lucien took a deep breath. “We’re going to find him,” he said, “And we’re going to put an end to all of this.”
For the first time, I truly believed him. I believed his intentions, believed his heart. I knew he wanted to do the right thing by me, by Max, and by my parents. Lucien Diaboli was no longer his father’s puppet, and that meant I had gained a powerful ally.
I wanted to kiss him, then. I wanted to show him I was on his side, and that no matter what was going to come of tonight, I was with him. A pair of headlights broke the darkness and stole our attention, though; a car was pulling up to pick us up. Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumbass had arrived, and they looked pretty eager to get us back to the Diaboli mansion.
I retreated from Lucien, though I was sure I had been spotted standing near him, at least. When the men arrived, they opened the back door of the sedan. Lucien offered that I should go in first. It wasn’t until I saw the black ski-mask they were holding that I realized why my anxiety was as high as it was.
“Put this on,” he said.
“Is that really necessary?” Lucien asked.
“Your father’s orders,” came the curt reply. “Put it on… now.”
I sighed, snatched the mask out of his hand, and put it on—backwards, of course. I had to guide myself into the back of the car at that point, and when I was in, I had the door slammed on me. A few seconds later, Lucien entered the car, or at least, I thought it was him. I was about to speak to him when I realized, it wasn’t Lucien sitting next to me.
The feeling I got from the man who had slid in beside me was totally different. He left far too big an impression on the seat, and he smelled differently. It was a good thing I hadn’t opened my mouth, otherwise I could’ve been in for a world of trouble.
That Lucien was sitting in the front seat made for a tedious trip back to the mansion. It wasn’t exactly situated centrally; the drive was at least an hour long. It gave me a lot to think about, but it also kept my anxiety level at a ten. I couldn’t exactly relax knowing one of Mason Diaboli’s goons was sitting next to me. All I could do was keep quiet, keep milling thoughts about in my head, and try to ignore the sinking pit of dread opening up in my stomach.
The starting and stopping of nighttime city traffic gave way to the smoother ride of a highway. When the slow, winding curves started to hit, I knew, we were close, so I sat upright and did my best to keep my composure.
The car stopped once on the way into the mansion, presumably at the main gate. It then stopped again after a short bend, at the front of the house. I heard the parking brake go on, and my heartrate started to pick up the pace, nausea rising along with it. I had to wait until I was told to get out, so I did, sitting patiently while doors opened and slammed shut.
Mine was eventually opened, allowing me to get outside. Once I was out, I was told to remove my mask… and there was Mason Diaboli, standing tall and looking smug in a grey suit. He had a glass of something in one hand, probably whiskey, and he was swirling it as I had my mask removed.
“Well, well,” he said, “You made it in one piece.”
“Were you hoping I wouldn’t come back?” I asked.
“Why would I want that? You’re my ticket back into power, one of the last Ethera. I need you safe and sound, that’s why I put you in Lucien’s good care.” He turned his eyes onto his son, who was just leaving the car with the box in his hands. “Speak of the devil.”
Lucien looked up at his father. I wasn’t given so much as a glance. “As promised,” he said, offering the box up.
Mason gave his glass to one of his cronies, came up to Lucien, and inspected the box. He then signaled to one of his men to take the box inside the house. Finally, he gave his red eyes to his son… but if he was proud, or pleased, his face certainly didn’t show it.
“Well done,” he said, slapping Lucien on the shoulder. He patted him another few times for good measure. “Well fucking done.”
Lucien took a deep breath in and bowed his head. “You asked, we delivered.”
“We?” Mason asked, raising an eyebrow in my direction.
“This wouldn’t have been possible without her.”
“I knew I could bring out that raw magical talent in you, Ethera.” He took back his glass of whisky and necked the rest of it, “Were they pissed as all fuck?”
Not as pissed as you’re getting, clearly.
“I think it’s safe to say the treaty is now null and void.” I replied.
A wide grin spread across his face. “Let them come! We have the crown, all we need is the engine, and the Recondites don’t stand a chance. Soon as we get that amulet back, we can all be one, big, happy family.”