Page 95 of Bound By Magic
“Thank you,” I said.
Max only shook his head. “I can’t believe this.”
“I know. I wouldn’t believe it either if I were in your shoes, but he’s on our side.”
“Why did you help her escape?” Max hissed. “Are you just going to turn us around and take us to your dad so he can finish what he started?”
“I have no intention of taking you back to my father’s house, or turning you into him,” Lucien said. “I promise you, I’m on your side… and I’m sorry.”
“Save your apologies. I can get my sister and me out of here in an instant, all I have to do is think it.”
Lucien nodded. “Hold onto that power. You may need it yet.”
I turned my head and looked at Lucien. “What do you mean?”
“I told you, he’ll hunt us down until he gets what he wants.”
“The engine…”
Lucien was right, we hadn’t really escaped Mason Diaboli’s wrath. As soon as he figured out we were gone, he was going to come after us like a rabid animal let off its leash.
We had to do something, and as much as I didn’t like it, one thing came to mind.
“I hate this,” I said, “But there’s only one thing to do.”
“What’s that?” Lucien frowned.
“We have to destroy the Infernal Engine.”
“Is that really the best idea?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never even seen it, so I don’t know if we can destroy it. But if that’s what your father wants, we should destroy it… shouldn’t we? We should try, anyway.”
“He’ll kill us. All of us.”
“Maybe, but if we destroy the engine and get the hell out of here, eventually, he’ll get sick and tired of hunting us.”
“I think you doubt my father’s resolve.”
“Trust me, I don’t. I’ve seen the lengths he’s willing to go to get what he wants. We already gave him one powerful magical artifact—he can’t get his hands on another one. Ever.”
“You did what?” Max shrieked.
“It’s a long story.”
“We’re stopped in a car in the middle of a highway, which we shouldn’t be, by the way. But it seems like we have time?”
Lucien put the car into drive and we started moving again. Lucky for us, in the dead of night, not a single car had gone past us. Once we were on the road again, things settled a little. I clipped my seatbelt back on and leaned into my seat. Max did the same.
“Mason has a crown,” I said, “We had to get it for him, or he was going to start hurting me to get what he wanted.”
“Which was?” Max asked.
“You. He wants you, because you have the amulet, and he thinks the amulet can get him into mom and dad’s vault. I know you don’t like what’s happening, and you’re jumping into this cold, but you have to understand, everything I’ve done has been to protect you.”