Page 148 of Ring Of Truth
I get inside the house and Sophie greets me with a big hug around my waist. “Ana!”
“Hello, sweetie.” I kiss the top of her head. “How was school?”
“Good. I have to do a report on clouds.” She loves her new private school, and next semester, I’m signed up as a Brownie troop mom.
“Let’s get to work on it after dinner.” I shrug off my lightweight jacket and greet J.P.’s nanny, a woman who survived an O’Rourke vetting.
“Hello, Mrs. O’Rourke,” Girdie greets me, holding my son. “The wee-one’s still got a bit of that cough.”
I take him into my arms and tuck his head under my jaw, to get a feel for myself.
Good thing his father is a pediatrician. Wanting more of a home life, Darragh joined a private practice a few towns over and works nine to five, four days a week. He steps in behind me a few moments later, immediately taking J.P. to check him over.
Our evening progresses as usual. Dinner. Laughs. Baths.
When we’re alone in our bedroom, I press a kiss on my husband’s shoulder.
His upper arm sports a Celtic cross tattoo to cover the bullet scar.
I got a sword on the opposite arm.
“Dr. O’Rourke, can I have a word with you?” I say.
He turns to me, looking hot as sin in a black T-shirt and gray sweatpants. “Formal?”
“Naughty.” I drop my robe, exposing my naked body to him.
The workouts have tightened my body nicely, although some stubborn belly fat won’t go away and my ass… Junk in the trunk is my new look.
Just as Darragh wanted me when I was a heavily pregnant, unwashed mess, he looks at me like a beauty queen.
He bites his lip staring hungrily at me. “Are you sure?”
“So sure.” I lay on the bed.
He pulls his T-shirt over his head. “We didn’t talk about when we’d have another child.”
“I’m still breastfeeding and everything I’ve read said it’s not likely I’ll conceive.”
He studies me. The man who’s not been inside me in seven weeks vs. the doctor who knows medically what’s safe, and a dash of the gentle husband he’s been. “I’ll use a condom just in case. Unless you’re ready for another baby so soon.”
“Condom?” I say.
I love my baby…both my kids…but I have a lot on my plate right now.
“Yeah, I bought them last week.” He kisses me. “You got pregnant the first time because Cormac was irresponsible. I want you to want to have my baby next.”
“Hey, I have your baby. I have both of them.” I snuggle against his chest.
“Good answer, my love.” His fingers trail down my body, and I shiver as he settles himself between my legs. It’s the first time, just us.
But his cell phone rings.
“Damn it.” Darragh looks at the screen and his shoulders go up around his ears. “Hang on. Yeah, Taryn?”
“Darragh, how are you?” The detective who called Darragh when Cormac and I got arrested, talks so loudly, I hear him through the tiny speaker.
Curiosity makes my ears perk up.