Page 29 of Ring Of Truth
He opens the SUV door and helps me out.
In front of the house, a man lingers on the porch, and I feel Darragh’s guard go up.
“Wait here.” He sprints up the steps to his front door.
The man turns hostile eyes on Darragh. My hands ball into fists at the idea someone would hurt him.
A dark-haired woman bursts out of the house, and there appears to be a three-way argument.
Darragh’s body turns to stone as the woman and the man hurry down the steps to leave. With them gone, Darragh disappears inside the house.
The driver puts Cormac’s duffle bag filled with my clothes on the curb and takes off.
Slowly, I walk up the eight wooden steps. The front door is open, and my sense of smell locks in on something fresh out of the oven.
That’s how hungry I am.
Darragh cradles a little girl in his arms while she’s crying.
“Is everything all right?” I ask, coming up behind them.
“It’s fine.” Darragh turns toward me, holding his daughter, stroking the back of her head, and the scene weakens me.
It’s so touching how Sophie’s head rests in the crook of his shoulder. Nodding, he waves me inside with a free hand.
I’m shot into another dimension. A scene of Cormac with our baby visualizes behind my eyes.
Anger fires through me, realizing that scene never would have happened. He planned to drop off our baby at a firehouse.
That bastard took everything from me. My money, my dignity, and almost my baby.
“Who’s that, Daddy?” Sophie asks, all sniffly.
Darragh gives me a warm smile.
“That’s an old friend of mine.”
“Old? She doesn’t look old.” Sophie wiggles to get out of my arms to stand on her own, confusion on her little face.
Fuck, I want to throw up at what she just witnessed with her nanny.
Olivia’s boyfriend just accused me of sleeping with her.
“Yeah, Daddy. What do you mean old?” Stasia looks annoyed.
“One moment.” After grabbing the bags left on the curb, I get back and close the front door.
I feel massively outnumbered by these two females. I don’t know who to address first.
Sophie comes first… Always.
As I open my mouth to address my daughter, Stasia beats me to it.