Page 41 of Ring Of Truth
“Daddy, my ribbon.” Sophie holds up a pink and yellow polka dot strip of fabric.
“One second, Soph,” he says, packing up all the food.
“I got it. Come here, Sophie.”
She skips toward me, and the way she’s so trusting kills me.
“Big bow or little one?”
“Hmmm. I don’t know.”
“The big ones look floppy, in my opinion.”
I slide the ribbon under the neat ponytail and make a tight bow, thinking of how I used to do this for Katya.
“And then all this pretty ribbon is hidden.”
I turn her toward the shiny reflection of the sliding glass doors to the backyard.
“See how the ends sit on your shoulders?”
“It’s so pretty. Olivia made them floppy.” Sophie looks down. “I miss her.”
My heart breaks for this little girl. First her mother and now her nanny.
“Okay, I have all the food packed up.” Darragh slings a boxy cooler bag across his broad shoulder.
“Bye, Ana,” Sophie singsongs as she opens the door to the garage. “Daddy, it’s raining.”
“It’s always raining, Soph.” Darragh fishes out an umbrella from a stand near the garage door.
“Can I bring my phone?” Sophie asks.
“No. That’s for emergencies at school.”
A seven-year-old has a phone? But with her allergy, it makes sense.
“Do you need me to do anything while you’re gone?” I ask, holding the door open for Darragh.
“No.” He gives me a look. “Do I need to lock you in here?”
The idea of him tying me up sends waves of pleasure through me.
“I have nowhere to go.”
“Good girl.” He looks horrified. “I mean…”
“I know what you mean.” God, I really do.
There’s a force between us we’re both struggling to deny.
What’s wrong with me? With us?
Falling for Darragh, after what his brother put me through, makes me more reckless than Cormac. The idiot risked the wrath of my father’s dangerous brotherhood by keeping me a prisoner.
“Um… I saw a library past the living room.”
“I just had it renovated,” Darragh says, looking frustrated. “I didn’t put the books away yet.”