Page 10 of XX Love Affair
That was the impetus behind Delia bending over, knowing damn well that it lifted her thighs off Helena’s face. Not that it stopped Helena from pulling them back down and blanketing her face with an older woman’s body. Nor did it stop Delia from getting comfortable as she lay down across Helena’s torso, her nose searching for the source of such an appetizing scent.
Hope she tastes as good, too.
Did Helena understand what an honor this was? That Delia didn’t do this with just anyone, on any first encounter? It took effort. It called upon all of that yoga Delia had done every week going back to high school when she decided that being more limber than her peers gave her an advantage in the dating scene. Back when that mattered so much. Delia once lived for that kind of validation. Knowing that she was wanted, desired, needed by so many partners had transformed into a healthy obsession once she hit college, but now, at thirty?
She thanked God that she was so limber. It meant that when she put herself out there, she could do shit like this.
Eat her. Get eaten. Rinse and repeat until we’re suffocating each other.
Except Delia wasn’t as on top of her game as she hoped. Not for a lack of trying, of course. The problem was that Helena was too good. She wasn’t shy about grabbing Delia’s ass and shoving her face right where it was wanted. Her tongue packed a powerful punch that Delia hadn’t experienced in much too long. She had almost forgotten what it was supposed to feel like sometimes…
What had she been doing? Keeping her mouth busy? Well, crap. Delia hated to admit it, but she was coming closer to climax and sex wasn’t as easy as focusing on another woman’s genitals. Even though it was tempting. Even though Helena raised her hips and silently begged for more.
The best Delia could do as she steeled herself was sink her fingers back between Helena’s legs and urge her to come first. If I’m coming soon, it’s because she screamed between my thighs.
Ah. There it was.
Bucking hips. Heavy breaths. Wild, wandering tongue. Fingers gripping her flesh and refusing to let go. The moment Helena’s body began to still from orgasm, Delia thrust backward, savoring the sensation of that gasp rippling across her flesh.
“I don’t need mercy,” Helena’s raspy voice announced when Delia slightly raised her hips. “Fuck me up all you want.”
Delia gently got off Helena and lay on the edge of the mattress. “Get over here.”
It was everything she used to adore about sex with such clear, distinct roles. It’s nice, isn’t it? Delia offered, Delia received. Helena had plenty of fun on her own. It was time for her to finish Delia off.
And she was infuriatingly good at that, too.
I know I don’t mean a thing to you. Yet that wasn’t what Delia said as she grabbed a handful of thick curls and gazed into Helena’s predatory eyes. While her hips ached familiarly, Delia lay back on her elbow, enjoying the show. The way Helena looked as she smothered herself in Delia’s body was almost more enjoyable than the sex itself. Somebody trained you, didn’t they? Maybe she should ask that. Instead, Delia simply offered the filler platitudes, telling Helena that she was great, amazing, perfect in every way. It was what made women happy to hear as if Delia didn’t know that for herself.
Yet she always hated hearing it. She knew the trick. She was in too deep and knew it for the farce it was.
So why upset anyone? Why not lie on that mattress and enjoy the orgasm about to play games with her mind?
I fucking love endorphins. Here they came, like her.
“Well!” It was time for Delia to acknowledge the cramp in her lower back from posing like an idiot so some random woman she picked up in a club could eat her out at the most ridiculous angle. “That was good fun, wasn’t it?” Delia stretched across the bed, working out that cramp in her back before brushing her body against Helena’s arm. “Hope you enjoyed yourself, sweetie. You’re one in a hundred when it comes to a good time.”
Helena was not put out that Delia was already getting up and grabbing her clothes. “I always enjoy getting fucked.”
“Isn’t that fortuitous?” Delia pulled on her underwear and hunted for her pants in the god-awful light. “Look, I’ve gotta run. It’s not you, it’s the fact that I’ve got work in the morning and I like to be in bed by midnight.” It was already ten. By the time Delia got home, she’d barely have enough time to shower and change into her pajamas before she needed her ass in bed. “Besides, night is young. I’m sure you can find number nine before the club closes at one.”
“Who said I needed more?”
“Young things like you always need more. That’s part of the appeal of being twenty.”
“You act like you’re ancient.”
Delia buttoned up her wrinkled shirt. “Trust me, there’s a difference between my college years and now. Not that I’m complaining.” She pulled her wallet out of her jacket pocket and unzipped the top to find a twenty-dollar bill. “Normally, I don’t like to skip out so soon after a lovely lady makes me shudder in pleasure, but that’s what happens when I’m here on a Sunday night. Here.” She handed Helena the twenty. “Since I can’t buy you a drink myself. Pretend I’m there learning all about you.”
Helena was not offended to be offered money. Or, at least, she didn’t say anything as she accepted the twenty and folded it in her hand. “Thanks. I’ll think of you with every sip.”
“No, you won’t.” Delia touched up her hair, knowing she’d have to stop by the bathroom before heading home if she didn’t want everyone around her to know she just gotten laid. In a place where you go to do that. Figured.
“You’re right. I probably won’t.”
Delia approached the bed once she had pulled herself together. “Either way, it was a lovely time. You’re quite good.”
Helena relaxed as Delia lowered herself for one last kiss. As their lips only lightly touched, Delia wondered what had compelled her toward this level of chivalry. It’s not like she’s the type to silently scream she needs acknowledgment. Helena was the other side of Delia’s coin, wanting a quick hookup in a private room and nothing more. They might see each other again. They might not. Would be a pity if they didn’t…