Page 89 of XX Love Affair
It only took Brynn a few seconds to change her approach. “I have a feeling I know who hired you. What agency are you with, again?”
“Evergreen Protection Services, out of Seattle.”
“That’s one of the big fancy bodyguard groups,” Brynn said to Helena. “The kind that rich people and celebrities use when they’re going to be in town and need to hire someone.”
“I’ve been made abreast of your situation,” Plummer said. “Right now, the subject is in a black BMW parked up the street. I don’t advise you to go out on your own. Either of you.”
Brynn was surprised to be mentioned. “Including me?”
“According to my brief, the woman in question may be a danger to anyone associated with Ms. Pierce. She is under investigation for her involvement in a large, international human trafficking scheme. She is regarded as irrational and dangerous.”
“Who has told you this?” Helena asked.
“My client has asked me to not divulge their identity. Just know that I have been paid for full-service bodyguarding until you are settled into your next living situation. I will also chat with your campus security about the best practices to keep Ms. Feist away from you while you are on school grounds. I understand that you have had no contact with her for a few weeks?”
“Longer than that. I haven’t spoken to her for months at this point.”
“Keep it that way. In the meantime, while I am here, I will keep local law enforcement up to date on the situation.”
“They’re no help at all,” Brynn spat. “Told us they couldn’t do anything unless she broke in or somehow hurt us.”
“Be that as it may, the paper trail helps should you wish to press charges later.”
“I can’t believe this is happening,” Helena muttered. “What a fucking nightmare.”
What she didn’t share was that she blamed herself for everything. If she hadn’t left home and gotten herself into any trouble she could find, this would not have happened. She wouldn’t be stalked by a woman old enough to be her mother. She wouldn’t have to live in her old teacher’s house because she couldn’t look her actual mother in the eye without feeling like a dirty daughter who didn’t deserve to talk to anyone. And if she had kept her fantasies to herself, she would have never let Mr. Smith get close enough to her to touch, never mind seduce.
Helena also blamed herself for everything that happened that past spring. Because an hour didn’t go by without thinking about Delia, the woman Helena had lied to for three months.
Did she hire this man? It couldn’t have been Helena’s parents, who were ignorant of the situation. It definitely wasn’t Brynn, who recognized the man’s employer but probably didn’t have the means to hire him herself. And it sure as hell wasn’t Helena, who would have never thought of it. She was aware of bodyguards existing, of course, having met a countless number of them over the past year, but they were for other people. Not her.
How would Delia have known, though? Between her new number and social media accounts, there was no way Delia could have found Helena to know what was going on.
I wish she did, though.
Irene usually gave up around four in the afternoon, when she had to escape to whatever hotel she occupied for the night. Sometimes, Brynn and Helena snuck out late in the evening to do drills in the park, Plummer sitting on a bench not too far away. He always said he didn’t see the “subject” anywhere, implying Irene had to take care of business after a certain time of day. That didn’t make Helena feel much better, though. As soon as she crossed the threshold of Brynn’s house, she was imprisoned once more, sorting out how to move her things into her dorm room and how to explain to her incoming roommate how this might affect their lives.
Because Irene was tenacious. Helena knew that much. She would find some way to stalk Helena until she either capitulated or the authorities dragged Irene away in handcuffs.
One was more likely than the other, and Helena was nowhere near ready to give in. Giving in to her would only give her more power. Helena thought living with Irene and Josh had been insufferable before? It had only gotten started.
Then, one night, Helena and Brynn returned from the park to find the black BMW parked right in front of the house, Irene standing where the sidewalk met the walkup.
“Can I help you?” Brynn asked, putting herself between Irene and Helena. Plummer was already at their side. Helena knew the last thing she should do was make eye contact with Irene, but it was impossible to avoid.
In the brief moment between Brynn’s question and Irene’s answer, the latter made it clear with one glance that she was here for Helena’s body, nothing more.
“There’s my sweet tiger,” Irene purred, completely glossing over the woman closer to her age. Plummer inserted himself between Brynn and Irene, creating a chain of humans out to protect Helena, but it was too late. Irene had seen her. Had gotten close enough to touch.
It was enough to send them all over the edge.
“Would you come with me already?” Irene’s fake pout was louder than her subsequent insistence that she was not on Brynn’s lawn and therefore not trespassing. “I’ve got the best hotel room this sad town can offer. I’ve also been hankering for a trip to Hawaii. It’s the time of year, you know? A friend of mine is throwing a key party in Honolulu. Between that and a cabana by the beach… Helena, we could have a lot of fun, like old times.”
“Key party?” Brynn glanced over her shoulder at Helena. “Jesus.”
Helena scoffed. “She’s making shit up.” It was on the list, though, and Irene knew it.
Plummer extended his arms and created a buffer for Brynn to take Helena by the hand and lure her toward the porch. “I must ask you to leave,” he said with his neutral but authoritative voice. “These ladies do not wish to speak with you.”