Page 25 of Broken
“Okay.” She gets her little notebook out with her pen, “What’ll it be?”
“I’ll have the Royal Burger, egg, over easy, with bacon and no onion. Cajun season on the fries.” I tell her.
“I’ll have the double melt with extra sauce on the side, and sea salt fries.”
“Do you want the sauce on the burger and on the side?” She asks.
“Yes please.” Katherine hands the menu to the girl as do I and she walks off to put our order in.
I lean on the table to look at Katherine, avoiding eye contact with George. “This is awkward, right?”
“A little. But, he’ll have to get over it.” She smiles, pulling her bottom lip through her teeth. God damn, she’s so fucking beautiful it actually hurts my heart to imagine not being able to see her everyday. I really need to talk to her about staying with me, at least for the summer. Then I can try to make her understand whatever it is that we have together, that it’s too important to let go of just because I’m moving to Yale. We could find a place off campus, away from George.
When I look up to see George again, he’s gone, but then there’s a body slamming into me, scooting me further into the booth. “Hey sis. West.” He’s staring at his sister, not even bothering to look at me. “Whatchu two doing here?” He sucks on his teeth, making an annoyed sound.
“Eating.” Katherine replies snarky with a cheeky smile.
“Together?” He quips back.
“Yes, together. It’s a crazy thought huh? Two hungry humans mildly conversing over a feeding. Don’t worry Georgie, I’ll tell you about it when you’re older.”
“Fuck off, Kat,” he gruff’s eyeing Katherine, before turning his glare to me.
“Nicole in the bathroom getting rid of all the food she just ate? I hope she brought a toothbrush, stomach acid really ruins a first kiss, don’t you think?” Katherine quips, looking over her shoulder towards the bathroom.On cue, Nicole exits the bathroom popping a piece of gum into her mouth. “Orbit isn’t going to help, that dirty mouth cannot be cleaned by a small piece of whale blubber.” I cover my mouth, doing my best to not laugh. I swear these two used to be each other’s best friend and I felt like the third wheel most of the time.
I can almost see the smoke coming out of Nicole’s ears as Katherine continues. “Bonus points to you,” She points to her brother. “Guaranteed her gag reflex doesn’t work anymore.” Katherine winks, she fucking winks just as the soda gets placed on the table.
I lose it, laughing loudly, I cannot contain myself, this girl is on fucking fire. I’ve seen her do this from afar, but to be front and center to watching her lay into someone like that is poetry.
Nicole scoffs, and grabs George’s hand, “Let's get out of here.”
“Yeah baby bro, you don’t want to keep the queen waiting.” Katherine gasps, putting her hands against her face like she’s surprised.
“Mother and Father will hear about this.” George stands up, “And I expected more from you, friend.” He flashes his teeth at me when he says friend, as if he could insult me. We watch as they leave together.
“When the fuck did that happen?” Katherine asks.
“I have no clue. Last I knew he couldn’t stand her. Neither of us could. She made our lives hell for so long.”
“I’m aware. When I was on the debate team, her and I were put up against each other. The debate was, should the school system enforce a uniform system. She was totally against it, but her reasons were shallow. She complained about not being able to wear her expensive shoes and having to wear polyester.” She laughs, the smile reaching her whole face. A completely different girl from a few short days ago when she cried and told me everything that’s happened to her on Max’s bathroom floor. We ended up spending the night at his house, in his bed and fucked three more times before finally passing out.
“You had to argue why they were a good idea?” I ask, looking at her outfit, it didn’t make sense for her to want that.
“Yeah, this was before my wardrobe upgrade.” She picks something off her shoulder. “I argued that bullying based around what people wore would be reduced.”
“Who won the argument?”
“She totally did, it was a popularity contest. I was the smart kid's twin sister, what did I know about fashion?” She rolls her eyes and looks away. “Oh food.” She starts doing a little wiggle in her seat as the food approaches.
After we eat, I pull into my driveway only to see Georgie and his parents standing on my front porch. I get out with a smile, “Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Winston, my parents are gone until graduation.” I tell them, getting out of the car.
“Thanks for food and a ride.” Katherine says, shutting my car door. Then she just walks over to her house as if that’s all this was. I’m not sure if it’s because her parents are standing here or if she just doesn’t want them to know about us. “What can I do for you?”
“Is that all that was, food and a ride?” Mrs. Winston asks.
“That’s what she said isn’t it.” I say, pulling the house key up on my key ring.
“George said you guys have been spending more time together.” Mrs. Winston says, clearing her throat. “You shouldn’t waste your time with her, she’ll drag you down and you have a bright future ahead of you.”