Page 31 of Broken
“I can’t move there with you, I need away from my family, and you’re literally going to live with George.”
“We don’t have to stay with him. We can get a place off campus.”
“We can still talk, there’s texting, video chat, sexting.”
“I just want you, come with me to Yale, we don’t have to see George, we don’t have to do anything other than live our lives.”
“What would I do in New Haven? Sit on the couch waiting for you to come home, have your food ready at dinner time and wash your clothes for you?” I grab his wrists and shove his hands away. “I’m not your wife, I will never be your wife. This ends here and now.” Suddenly it feels like my heart is no longer there, shattering in my chest. “I do not love you, and I never will.”
The look on his face breaks my soul. I think that worked, those were the words I needed to say. Whatever dreams he had of us have been wrecked, just like I need it to me. He has no future with me, the trashy, used and abused girl from next door.
Westley’s tears fall down his cheeks as he picks his bag up off the side of the road. “If I can’t have you in my life like this-” He chokes back his words.
“I want you to move on, find someone who can love you like you deserve.” Like I wish I could. I love him deeply, but would my love help him or hurt him. I don’t have the option to find out. This is where our story stops, the next chapter of our lives begins when we leave this spot.
“Move on, your fucking insane. There will never be anyone else for me.” He takes two steps towards the airport.
“Your ticket.” I say to his back as he walks away from me.
“Email it.” He shouts, flipping a middle finger over his shoulder.
Standing on the side of the road I watch as he slowly gets smaller with each step he takes. When he’s officially out of my sight, I drop to my knees and let out every emotion I held back, sobbing like a fucking toddler who can’t have a cookie before dinner.
I probably just made the biggest mistake of my life, but it’s for the best. Right?
Chapter Twelve
The dorm room smells like cleaner and air freshener. I want to choke on it as I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling.
My whole body hurts, knowing she's out there somewhere, without me. That she’s just going to keep fucking going and I’m stuck here with her brother.
“I’m glad you didn’t put the semester off.” George says. “I’m not sure I could have a different roommate.” He lets out a laugh as he continues cleaning.
“The dorm was clean when we moved in, George. You don’t have to clean it, again.” I roll over to face the wall, not really wanting to look at George’s face. Even though they’re complete opposites, seeing him just reminds me of her and the heartbreak I feel.
Closing my eyes, I go back to that night. The night I begged her to come with me.
“Please Kitty, don’t fucking do this.” I’m literally on my knees, begging her. Pleading as I fight the fucking tears. I’m not a fucking bitch, I will not cry over this.
“I told you this had an expiration date West. I’m not worth loving.”
“That’s fucking bullshit and a damn cop-out. You know I fucking love you just like I know you love me. I see it in your goddamn eyes every time you look at me. I feel it in your touch, in your kisses.” I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her against me, inhaling her scent.
“I can’t move there with you, I need away from my family, and you’re literally going to live with George.” Her fingers lace in my hair.
“We don’t have to stay with him. We can get a place off campus.”
“We can still talk, there’s texting, video chat, sexting.” She’s so fucking calm about this, like it’s not killing her. We just had the most amazing three months, and she’s just ready to throw it all away.
She’s my happily ever after, there will never be another person. I let go of her and push up to my feet, biting back my anger, grief, and greed. I want her to myself. I want her at my side, “If you can’t be with me at Yale, then I can’t be with you at all.” The second the words leave my mouth I regret them. But, the lack of reaction from her tears me apart inside. I grab my backpack and bag and walk towards the door of the hotel we’re currently staying in. “I hope you find a way to be happy, and that you let someone in. You are worth all the love.”
She just stands there, watching me as I leave, not saying a word.