Page 11 of No Secrets
The team members stayed silent, each processing the gravity of what they were up against. Roman’s career, his reputation, his very sense of self—they were all being targeted with a precision that left Caleb’s skin crawling.
“Someone’s playing games,” Wander said, eyes hard as flint. “Games with the intent to destroy Roman.”
“Who has that kind of reach?” Jonah’s question hung in the air, heavy as lead. “Because this is some high-level mindfuckery.”
“My work…” Roman said slowly, weighing his words carefully. “I’ve been building a case against Senator Whitman. Corruption charges.”
“Whitman?” Caleb felt as if he’d been sucker-punched. The Massachusetts senator was a big name. Hell, he was rumored to run for president in the next election.
“Can’t give details,” Roman said. “Ethics and all that.”
“Ethics don’t mean squat to someone trying to kill you,” Ryan spat out.
“Or frame you,” Caleb said quietly. In his mind, the pieces slotted together, forming a picture that was both terrifying and enraging.
Wander silenced the room with a look. “Can you give us the gist and scope of the investigation?”
“We’re talking kickbacks on local, county, and state level, maybe even federal. Substantial amounts of money. Plus, money laundering, blackmail, and that’s just scratching the surface. By the time I’m done, Whitman will spend the rest of his life in prison.”
Ryan shook his head. “No wonder you’re in hot water. That is one powerful mofo we’re dealing with. How many people know about you investigating him?”
“More than I’m comfortable with, unfortunately.” Roman let out a heavy sigh. “It’s been an extensive case, over a year in the making. I’ve been working closely with the FBI, and they have talked to countless witnesses, so I’m sure word got around. Plus, I’ve had to loop in staff and experts in and out of my office. I have no proof that Whitman’s behind it, but it seems likely, given the timing. His is the biggest case I’ve worked on for the last year.”
“Have you involved law enforcement?” Lowell asked.
“I talked to the FBI about the threatening messages and the surveillance. They were unable to find out who was behind it. And yes, they’re well aware of the Whitman case, as I’m working closely with them on this.”
“But not about the rest?” Ryan asked.
Roman spread his hands helplessly. “I have no proof of any of it. How do I prove my laptop was messed with? Nothing was deleted. And if I tell them about the car crash, they’ll think I’m mad.”
He did have a point, which was probably why whoever was targeting him had employed these tactics. They made Roman question himself, which was a powerful weapon.
“Plus,” Roman added, “Whitman has connections everywhere, including within the police. I don’t know who I can trust.”
“Feels like someone’s trying to break you,” Caleb observed, his voice grim.
“Well, they’re not gonna succeed. Not while we’re on the job, yeah?” Wander said. “So let’s get to work. We need to be careful. I know it’s easy to point fingers at Whitman, but we can’t tunnel-vision on him.” He surveyed the room. “Here’s what I propose. Ryan and Alex, I want you to compile a detailed timeline of every threat and concerning incident Roman has experienced. Look for any patterns or inconsistencies, any clues. Roman, make sure to give them all the information you have. Every detail, no matter how insignificant it might seem, could give us a clue.”
“On it,” Ryan said.
“Lowell and Jonah, I need you to do a security review of this house and Roman’s apartment in Boston. Identify any weak spots and install additional surveillance measures.”
The men nodded, jotting down notes.
Wander addressed Caleb. “Caleb, can you look into the messages Roman’s secretary received? See if you can trace their origin. And see what you can find out about that file incident.”
“On it.” Caleb’s fingers were itching to do something to help Roman.
“My top priority is keeping you safe while we get to the bottom of this.” Wander turned back to Roman. “You’ll stay with us until the threat has been definitively neutralized. We’ll maintain round-the-clock protection.”
Roman nodded, relief evident on his face. “Thank you, all. I appreciate your help more than you know. But please be vigilant. If Whitman is behind this, you’re all at risk now too.”
A solemn silence fell over the room as the weight of his words sank in. Considering the trouble Roman was dealing with, that was not an empty statement.
“Wouldn’t be a regular day if someone didn’t have it out for us.” Ryan shrugged. “We’d better keep our saddles oiled and our guns greased, as my momma would say.”
Caleb snorted. “What the fuck does that even mean?”