Page 61 of No Secrets
“He was messing with you,” Roman said.
“How do you…? Oh, you heard that?”
“I was talking to him when you called.”
Caleb rolled his eyes, even though no one could see it. “And you didn’t think that would be convenient information for me to have? Sir?”
Roman full-out laughed. “Nah, this was way more fun.”
He was becoming more like his brother every day. “I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
“But tell me about your first day. How was it pretending to be someone else?”
“Both harder and easier than I had expected. I was called Cal a lot as a teenager, so that doesn’t take much getting used to. And the job is woefully below my level, but I still found myself taking it seriously, funnily enough. She asked me to do a security analysis of her IT systems, and every word I wrote in my report was true.”
“I didn’t expect you’d have any issues with the job, but I was hoping you wouldn’t struggle on a personal level with what basically comes down to lying to everyone.”
Caleb considered it. “Not really.”
“And how do you like Boston?”
“The T was packed this morning. I haven’t experienced that since I was in college.”
“Most Bostonians have a love-hate relationship with the T. We’ll defend it any day when outsiders attack it, but we bitch and complain every chance we get. And obviously, it’s much better than the New York subway.”
Caleb grinned. “Are you sure? Because most things are better in New York…like the Yankees.”
“Blasphemy!” Roman sputtered. “Pure blasphemy. Please tell me you’re not a Yankees fan because that could be a dealbreaker.”
“Atlanta Braves, actually, but only because my dad bought me a cap when he was on a business trip there when I was maybe eight. I’ve always stayed loyal.”
“Aw, that’s sweet. Nothing trumps childhood loyalty, so I can live with that. But I do need to know where you stand on football.”
Should he tease him? “Giants all the way.”
“Giants? Oh, boy, that’s not good. Not good at all. I may have to reconsider this.”
“I assume you’re a Patriots fan?”
“I’m from Boston. It’s been Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins, and Celtics for as long as I can remember. It’s in our blood.”
“So a Giants fan is a big no for you?”
“Let’s just say that my dad had far less of a problem with Wander coming out as gay and kinky than he would have with me showing up with a Giants fan.”
“Good thing I’m Pats Nation, then.”
Roman was quiet for a beat. “You serious?”
“I didn’t care much for football until I started working for your brother, who made it clear that being a Patriots fan was more or less a job requirement, so here we are.”
“You little shit.”
Caleb laughed. “Had you there for a moment, did I?”
“Hook, line, and sinker. But I’ll let it go because of the good news, benevolent ruler I am.”
“Too bad. I wouldn’t have minded another spanking…”