Page 67 of No Secrets
“Hey, kid,” Wander said, voices murmuring in the background. “Everything okay?”
“I’ve found a lead,” Caleb said. He wasn’t sure what Wander had done, but the conversations ceased.
“I’m putting you on speakerphone. Everyone is here. Talk to me.”
“Isabella made a call at nine-oh-six this morning that I partially overheard. I accessed her phone and traced it. She called Joey DiMartino. Does that name ring a bell?”
“DiMartino? Fuck, is he connected to the DiMartino family?” Roman asked. “They’re Italian mob and have their fingers in a lot of pies.”
“That’s his father,” Caleb said. “Sorry.”
“Fuck,” Roman said. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. We can’t… We shouldn’t be… You need to come home, baby. I don’t want you messing around with the mob.”
A flash of heat went through Caleb at that term of endearment, but before he could say anything, Wander’s voice came through the line. “One thing at a time, Ro. Let him finish his report first.”
“I don’t know what Joey does for Isabella, but she calls him on average three times a week, sometimes more, so there’s a strong connection.”
“I’ll say. What else?”
“I copied her iCloud. She has a lot of encrypted files on there. I’ll need some time to get access to those, but my gut tells me that once I do, we’ll have our smoking gun.”
“Good work, kid.” Pride rang in Wander’s voice, and Caleb’s cheeks heated at the praise.
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Anything else?”
“Not right now. She kept me busy today, but I’ll do some more digging once I’ve had some dinner.”
“All right. Keep us posted.”
“Wander, I think Alex and I should head to Boston,” Ryan said. “See what we can find out about this Joey DiMartino. If he’s mob, he won’t be hard to find.”
“He’ll also be dangerous,” Roman said sharply. “You don’t wanna fuck around with the Italians and get found out.”
“Then we better make sure we fly under the radar,” Ryan answered. “We knew going in that this wouldn’t be a walk in the park. This connection doesn’t change anything.”
Roman groaned. “I have a bad feeling about this.”
Caleb swallowed. Roman wasn’t the type to say things like that lightly.
“What kind of bad feeling?” Wander apparently had come to the same conclusion.
“I don’t know. The idea of you going up against the mob is… It’s terrifying. You know how many cops have tried that and failed? How many federal agents we’ve lost over the years because they attempted to infiltrate organized crime?”
“We’ll keep our distance,” Ryan said. “I promise we’ll tread carefully. I know what I’m doing.”
“With all due respect, but I’m not sure about that,” Roman said. “I know you’re a former detective, but solving murders and dealing with killers isn’t the same as going after the Italians.”
A heavy silence fell. What should they do? Caleb wasn’t blind to the dangers, but what was the alternative? They couldn’t back off now, not when they were so close to bringing Whitman down. “Can we maybe ask Connor if he’s heard of Joey DiMartino? And see what he thinks?”
“That’s a great idea,” Wander said. “Connor’s family was in organized crime as well, so he’ll have a unique perspective. I’ll reach out to him and get his thoughts. For now, keep digging, kid. But, Caleb…”
“Yes, Sir?”
“Keep your eyes wide open.”
“Yes, Sir. I’ll be careful, I promise. I’ll be home tomorrow.”