Page 69 of No Secrets
“Let me know how it goes with Mark.”
Someone had already let Mark into the library, so Roman made his way over there as well. He caught his reflection in a hallway mirror and cringed. Jesus, he looked like a corpse with his gray pallor and bags under his eyes. Still, he hadn’t wanted to cancel the appointment he’d set up after much thought. He could use the distraction, and even more, he needed help—from someone other than his brother.
“Master Mark?” Roman’s baritone was steady, betraying none of the uncertainty knotting his gut.
Master Mark turned from where he stood by the fireplace, the flames casting an ominous glow on his chiseled features. He assessed Roman with a gaze that bored down to his very soul, measuring and weighing him. Roman offered a handshake that was met with a firm grip. “Roman Dwyer.”
“Mark Wilson. Pleasure to meet you. You resemble your brother.”
“Thank you. That’s a compliment in my book.”
“It was certainly meant as one. I’m very fond of Wander, both as a friend and a Dom.”
“Let’s sit.” Roman gestured at the couch, and they chose seats opposite each other.
“What can I do for you?” Mark asked.
Roman took a deep breath. “I’ve been…experimenting with D/s play lately.”
Mark quirked an eyebrow. “You’re new to the scene? I would have expected with your brother…”
He left it unfinished, but Roman had no trouble following what he had wanted to say. “I had my reasons, both professional and personal, but things have changed.”
“Who have you been playing with? No, let me guess.” A long pause. “Caleb.”
“Yes. How did you know?”
“He’s the most versatile sub here…and you’re his type. He likes older guys. Are you two together?”
How the hell did he answer that question? “I hope so, but let’s keep that between us for now.”
“Gotcha. My lips are sealed.”
“When I arrived, Wander sent me Caleb as a…a distraction, I suppose. A way to blow off some steam. One thing led to another, and here we are.”
“Hmm.” Mark’s lips quirked in a knowing smile. “Wander does have a knack for stirring things up, doesn’t he?”
Roman let out a dry chuckle. “He sure does.”
“What do you need from me?”
Roman got up and walked toward the window, the thick rug in Jesse’s library muffling his steps. Snowflakes swirled outside, a silent dance against the windowpanes, but the storm inside him raged fiercer. He wrestled with the unraveling of a life meticulously built into…into, what, exactly? A free-for-all where he had no clue what to expect, what to do, who he was. It scared him as much as it exhilarated him.
“Caleb and I connected.” He turned around and leaned with his back against the window. “He got under my skin. And he needs this. He needs me to be…more.”
“He needs you to be his Dom.” Mark’s eyes were unyielding, but Roman respected him for it.
“Yes.” The single word was a pledge sealed with newfound conviction. “And I want to be what he needs.”
“Hmm.” Mark tapped his fingers on the armrest. “What have you done with him so far?”
“Rough sex, spanking, and I spanked him with my belt as well.” Amateur stuff for Mark, undoubtedly, but one had to start somewhere, right?
“And that went well?”
“Very well. He loved it, and so did I.”
“What exactly draws you to this? To him?” Mark’s questions were probing, but Roman wasn’t offended. The Dom took his role seriously, and Roman could only respect that.