Page 18 of Embers and Smoke
“It won’t happen again.”
“Okay. Now sit and look at this menu,” I insisted.
He blinked several times before he looked at his daughter, who chomped on her biscuit like we’d never been interrupted before he eased into the chair. “Pumpkin, you should follow us when we leave here and see the restaurant.”
I agreed. “It’s getting prettier by the moment. We were worried that the renovations wouldn’t be done on time. It looks like we may be ready as planned or delayed by a couple of days.”
She grinned, looking more like her uncle, Langston. “Bet you don’t realize everything is ‘we’ now.”
Jace and I looked at each other. His eyes softened, and he said, “I did notice. Thank you.”
I nodded and touched his hand, which rested on the table. “Can we figure out what we want to eat? I heard they have the best grits.”
Chapter 9
April 13
Despite years as an athlete, I didn’t believe in lucky or unlucky numbers. Luck was simply that. Some days life went your way, and on other days life was determined to do the fuck what it wanted. Today was one of the days. We finally had the sign delivered, and the men worked hard to attach it at the front and top of the building. Except, it was the wrong fucking sign.
The original sign had been ordered and not the revised version that included Spirit’s last name. The correct sign wouldn’t arrive in time for the grand re-opening a week from today. To make matters worse, I accidentally ordered the wrong sign. Although I’d learned to adapt to my reading disability, sometimes, especially when I’m busy or rushing, I still turn things around in my head and don’t always realize it.
I called around looking for different businesses and offered all kinds of money to get the sign done. The design and intricacy of the sign took at least two weeks if expedited. While I paced in front of my pool in the backyard, trying to figure out a solution, Remi walked through the glass doors, wearing only boxers. He’d arrived in town last night and planned to stay through the grand re-opening next week.
He stretched and rubbed his tatted stomach. “You’ve been bitching with people all morning. What’s up.”
I clicked off my cell. “Look, I know it’s just us here. Can you put some pants or shorts on?”
Remi raised his brows. “Bruh, don’t act brand new. We shared rooms until you left for college. Still trying to figure out how Langston got a room to himself. Mama and Daddy always did love him best.”
I nodded vehemently. “Exactly why I don’t want to see all of that when I don’t have to. It was bad enough that I never had my own space as the oldest until I left home.”
Remi waved his hand and plopped down on a lounger by the pool. “What’s going on?”
“I ordered the wrong sign.” I sat down next to him, feeling defeated.
“I saw the restaurant on my way here. Looks good to me. Am I missing something?”
“Snookie agreed to all the changes as long as she could retain her family name, and she came up with Embers by Kimble.”
Remi propped his arms behind his head. “And she’ll think you did it intentionally because you’re arrogant enough to go against her wishes.”
“Yeah.” Although we’d grown unbelievably close and spent countless hours together without being tired of one another, I knew she still held some doubt about me. Doubts about my intentions and love for her.
“Glad you recognize how you come across to others.” He closed his eyes.
“That’s all you have to offer? Any suggestions at all? This is your business, too.”
“I’ve been hands-off like you asked so you can get closer to Spirit.” He opened one eye. “Dead serious, if you hurt her, you’ll have to deal with me. And Langston...” Remi whistled. “He used to crush on Spirit like she crushed on you. He might just kill you if you hurt her.”
Raising both hands high in the air, I acknowledged how everyone would be Team Spirit in our relationship. I had no allies. “Between you, the parents, and Langston, I got it. I’m not going to hurt her. I wouldn’t have stepped to her if I was just going to fuck around.”
“Says the man who’d just fucked a woman the night before you saw Spirit again.”
I ducked my head. “How was I supposed to know that all those old feelings would come flooding back the moment I saw her again.”
Both of Remi’s eyes opened in surprise. “Old feelings, do tell.”