Page 2 of Embers and Smoke
She faltered in her step, and I bumped into her and immediately grabbed her shoulders. The honey scent of her hair wafted under my nose. We were still for a moment, and I almost pulled her back into me. The urge to wrap my arms around her was so strong that I closed my eyes to break the invisible hypnotic spell.
Spirit finally broke free of my grasp and continued walking. “I’m supposed to be excited about you from your tone. I would’ve dressed differently if I’d known you were coming today. I thought we were meeting tonight?”
“I wanted to see you before we met with everyone. Get to know each other a little better.” I didn’t move until she gestured to one of the white linen-covered tables, still trying to gather my thoughts after that brief heated moment. “Thought it might be better if we came to an understanding before meeting with the business group.”
Wearing a deep scowl, she plopped down and waited for me to sit across her. “What kind of understanding?”
I slowly sat down, already disliking her negative energy. “Hold up. Before we take a step further, you know my money keeps Embers afloat?”
Her forehead wrinkled prettily. “Embers?”
“The new name of this restaurant. I thought you got the memo.”
“I didn’t.” She crossed her arms. “You’ve changed the name too? I was told my investor would give me full control of my restaurant for more of the percentage. You’re already changing the menu, and now the name? Is this even my restaurant anymore?”
“My silence and control depended on the profitability of this restaurant. I looked at the numbers, and even with my financial help, you’ll be back in this sinking boat in two years...three years top.”
Her arms remained folded. “Well, my numbers say something different.”
“Since it’s my money, I only operate using my numbers.” I leaned forward with clasped hands on the table. “Listen, I want this place to still feel like yours, but we have to make drastic changes to get this business where it needs to be. You've turned down everything I’ve suggested over the past three months.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Because I’m not making my dream a place for weed heads. Not happening. Ugh.”
I chuckled at her obvious disdain for marijuana. “Have you ever smoked?”
Her brown eyes flashed. “No.”
“Why not?” I smiled.
“I don’t use drugs,” she said proudly.
“Do you drink? Or are you a prude who only dances like a video vixen?” I tilted my chair on my two back legs, watching her, wanting to get under this pretty woman’s skin.
“Really? Name-calling? See, some things haven’t changed since high school.” She stood up suddenly, and I grabbed her wrist lightly.
“Snookie, sit down.” I grinned, using her old nickname that I knew she hated.
Her head jerked though she remained standing. “You remember me?”
I nodded. “We walked to school together for eight years. How could I forget the genius girl next door who loved to argue and walk with me? It’s the only reason I invested when your portfolio crossed my desk. Wanted to see you again. If I knew you turned out like this, I would’ve tried so much sooner to see you.”
Although her eyes blazed a fire, her round cheeks reddened. “I’m not that naïve girl next door who would do anything for you anymore.”
I quirked a brow. “’re grown. Been grown. You married?”
She retorted, “Not your business.”
“Okay, not married. Children?” I continued to rock on two legs of the chair.
“I’m not answering you. And please put the chair down on all four legs. You’re making me nervous. You’re a big man and might break the chair.”
“Thanks for noting my size.” I grinned. “Single with no children. The day is looking up more and more. I’m divorced with a grown daughter.”
“Not happening.” She placed her hands on her waist, making me want to span her waist with my hands.
“I’m simply catching up with an old neighbor. What’s not happening?” I asked, knowing damn well I knew the answer.
“It’s enough that I’m in bed with you for my business. I’m not getting in bed with you anywhere else, Jace,” She boldly stated.