Page 5 of Embers and Smoke
“Wow. So you must have hugged him excitedly for saving the café, and that’s when you kissed?”
I cleared my throat. “Not quite. Jace kissed me because he hates women who roll their eyes, and I kept rolling mine.”
“What the hell?”
“He was toying with me. He knows that I was obsessed with him so he was being flirty as if he really considered me as potential. He only tried to charm me to get his way with the proposed plans.”
She countered strongly, “Or he really likes you. He did back then, too. It was obvious how, no matter what, whenever he could, he walked with us before and after school for years. He was always hanging by your locker once you started high school. You were a good girl, and he was a hot boy. He recognized you wanted a boyfriend, and he wanted to play. But that wavy-haired boy liked you then and probably does now.”
I parked and flopped my head back against the seat. “Then why ask me to the prom and then ask another girl two days before the prom? You know how hurtful it was to know he not only decided not to take me, he took LaShonda Bennett instead.”
“I was there, remember? We don’t need to rehash it. Let all that go because it’s been years. If he’s trying to holla, holla back.”
“Jace might be grown, but the way he acted today was the same as he did back then. That big ass man still tilts his chair back on two legs. He still teases me and flirts. Just enough to keep me crazy about him. I’m not going there again, and once he realizes that I’m nixing most of his plans in lieu of another investor, he won’t care about me.” I finally picked up my purse and exited my car.
She sighed. “Did you at least enjoy the kiss?”
“No,” I protested too loudly, and people walking by stopped in their tracks. I smiled politely as I grabbed the bag of dog food out of the trunk.
“Liar.” She sang. “Bet he had you ready to drop those panties.”
I blushed because, technically, I was ready for him to slip my panties to the side, and he hadn’t used his tongue. It’d been going on two years since I had a brief fling with a man who was only good for sex, and if today had been anyone other than Jace Legend, we would’ve had a quickie on that table. “No. I slapped him.”
“That good, huh?” She laughed. “I know you, Snookie. Have some fun with Jace.”
Hefting the dog food higher on my hip, I added, “He wants to change the name of the restaurant.”
“What? He can’t do that.” Her tone sharpened.
“Oh, now I have your attention,” I remarked. “Not only will my restaurant be a cannabis dining-infused experience, but the name will now be Embers.”
“Snookie, we can’t change the name. It was the name Grandma always wanted, and it’s her recipes.”
“This is why tonight, I will ask the group for another investor, and if they can’t...I don’t know...” My voice faltered. “I wanted help. Not change everything I ever wanted Café Kimble to be.”
“Then make him see that.”
“Jace was a hard-headed boy and arrogant. What do you think he is now as a popular ex-NFL player? His ideas aren’t’s just not me. Or Grandma’s vision of Café Kimble.”
“Well, make sure you use what you got to get him to see your vision, too. He found an excuse to kiss you after seeing you again for a few minutes after years. Wear your boss bitch dress tonight.”
I laughed. “Boss Bitch?” I opened my door, and Roblé, my Yorkshire Terrier, came tearing across the room. I dropped the dog food to pick him up. “ sweetie. Did you miss Mommy?”
Trinity groaned loudly, “Please have a baby so you can stop calling that mutt of yours your child.”
“Wait...I don’t call Leah and Sali mutts, and you know when they were younger, they were badass Bebe Kids because you and Brother Law wanted to stay in the honeymoon phase and let them run amok.” I rubbed my dog and sat down on my sofa, holding him.
Trinity chuckled. “Yeah, we were horrible young parents too busy getting it in. Surprised we didn’t have ten more.” She sighed, “I just want you to have someone to share your life with.”
“Trin, I do too. If it’s meant for me, it’ll happen. I’m done with dating apps and been done with the club scene. A man is no longer a priority.” I plopped down on my sofa and grabbed my notepad. “Besides, when do I have time for a man? I spend hours at the café to keep my head afloat. Then I need to get back in the gym. These thighs are only getting thicker. The only exercise I get is walking Roblé. I need more staff but can’t afford them, and I might lose my condo if I can’t keep the restaurant running. Ain’t no man gonna take second or third in my life.”
“You need that man’s help and have three hours before seeing Jace again. Put that notebook down, get those nails right, eyebrows waxed, and wear your heels with that Boss Bitch dress that’ll make a man want to grab on and don’t let go. I’m serious, Snookie. He’s a fucking millionaire from our old neighborhood, and he wants to help. Figure it out.”
I groaned, “Why did it have to be Jace Legend?”
“I don’t know why you complaining. It could be worse. He could be married, and you would be the other woman because he’s going to keep pushing until he gets some of you. Trust me.”
I rolled my eyes and then thought of Jace. He would’ve kissed me again, and I smiled for the first time that day.