Page 124 of Heart On Ice
“For a bite? Yes, though he’s getting a bit lazy down here,” Leith teased, rubbing a thumb down the side of Artie’s face and grinning as the omega glared up at him. I don’t know what he did with his mouth next, but Leith’s purr told me it must have been good.
Ciara nodded and brought the hand to my mouth. “Bite when you come, Wiz, and make sure to keep biting until you feel a click.”
I frowned, confused. “What sort of click?”
“You’ll know it when you feel it,” Ciara said mysteriously before resuming the roll of her hips, and just like that, I was close again as she clenched around me.
The muffled noises next to me started to get louder and a sense of urgency filled me as I finally let myself go and came with a grunt before opening my mouth and biting down on the fleshy part of Artie’s palm, just next to his thumb.
At first, I felt nothing.
Had Artie’s research been wrong? Did there actually need to be some sort of romantic inclination? Or were we supposed to be the ones having sex? If that was the case, I didn’t need to bond that badly.
My mind hurried to shut that theory down, though, because many an omega had been forcibly bonded without romance or sex.
I was so busy overthinking everything, that I didn’t realize that I was no longer alone in my thoughts.
Like flames lighting up in the darkness, Artie, Leith, Enzo, and finally Ciara lit up in our newly formed bond.
Artie’s mouth had come off of Leith’s cock at some point and he was gasping with a mixture of pain, pleasure, and surprise. “That is so odd.”
“What is?” Ciara asked, clutching so tightly around me that it was clear that she’d also come while I’d been stuck in my head.
“It’s like the bond is a circuit that’s finally closed off. I can pick apart all of your emotions without much trouble… and it feels nice I suppose.”
“It’s balance,” Leith said sagely as he reached over and gave my shoulder a pat. “We might not have known it, but it turns out we needed this one in our bond after all.”
I mumbled something around Artie’s palm, my tongue licking the fresh wound.
“What was that? Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Ciara joked, her hands sliding slowly up my chest as she stretched like a pleased cat.
Waiting a beat to make sure the bond wasn’t going to magically disappear if I released my bite, I gently pulled my teeth out of Artie’s flesh and examined the mark before repeating myself.
“How do you figure out what your emotions are and what are everyone else’s?”
It was a confusing tornado of pleasure and I wasn’t quite sure where mine ended and theirs began.
“Leith can tell you all about that,” Ciara flopped down onto my chest with a yawn, her eyes already fluttering shut. “Just like he did for me.”
“It’s not hard, Wiz, just…”
He began to explain how to imagine everyone as a color to me, but Ciara’s warm dead weight was making it really hard for me to concentrate.
The last thing I remembered before dropping off to sleep was someone pulling a blanket over us and wishing us a good night.
Chapter thirty-four
“Are we ready?” I asked Eli as we skated off of the ice from our last practice before the invitational tomorrow morning.
Nearly every waking moment of the last week had been spent on the ice getting ready and if I did our routine any more today I was afraid I’d end up doing it in my sleep later.
Everyone was busy with prep, making it hard to spend any time together as a pack, but that didn’t matter much anymore. Now that all of us were bonded together, I knew they were never far.
Even now, I could feel Wiz’s exhaustion from his own practice on the other side of the complex, Leith’s irritation—probably at the youngest member of his team being late again—and Enzo’s amusement at something.
Artie was just as tired as I felt, but I didn’t need the bond to know that. The omega had been pushing himself harder than I liked over the past couple of days and I made a mental note to set up a spa night for the both of us once we got back home later.
While I still technically lived in the apartment with Penelope, I only ever went over there to change clothes at this point.