Page 145 of Heart On Ice
“Seattle,” Leith answered, lifting an arm so Artie could cuddle in and shut his eyes for a quick rest.
“Really? You’re a Scotsman aren’t you? What were you doing in the states?”
“We worked there,” Leith explained. He’d always been the best conversationalist of the three of us and I leaned back and let my own eyes drift shut, leaving it to the other alpha to keep up the talking.
It felt like I hadn’t slept in weeks, which I hadn’t really.
Turns out, getting kicked out of your omega’s nest almost permanently was a detriment to one’s sleep habits and my bed just didn’t feel the same without any of them in it.
I wasn’t sure when I fell asleep, but I woke up with a jerk when Leith gave me a nudge.
“Thanks very much,” Leith said to the driver as we unloaded our suitcases and paid him.
The hotel was a clean-looking glass building—the same as your average run of the mill franchise—and a friendly looking woman was manning the front desk.
“Hello, checking in?” she asked as we gave her our reservation information. “You have two adjoining rooms with a private omega’s nest and a patio for the service animal. Looks like we’re still giving it a clean from the previous guests, would you like to leave your luggage here?”
“Thank you,” I told her. “We’re going to head up and visit some friends who are already staying here, is that okay?”
Once we’d stepped together onto the elevator, my nerves really kicked in.
“What if she slams the door in our face?” I asked as the elevator ascended.
“Then we knock again,” Leith said, somehow the most unfazed out of the three of us.
“And what if she breaks up with us? For real? I read about bond dissolution and it sucks.” Artie’s voice was high with panic as he gripped Charm’s harness even harder, making the golden retriever eyeball him with worry.
“I doubt she would put you through that Artie,” Leith soothed, pulling the omega in for a quick kiss.
I shot him a look. “How are you so calm? Aren’t you scared she’s going to reject us?”
“I’m fucking terrified,” the man said and I felt his end of the bond ease open for the first time in weeks, showing me just exactly how he was feeling. “But if we’re all panicking nothing will get fixed. I just want to see her again, to clap eyes on her and make sure she’s okay.”
The elevator dinged, letting us know we were on the right floor. I pulled the scrap of paper Alexei had given me and began searching for the right room number.
Too soon we were all standing in front of it.
“Maybe we should come back later once we don’t look like we’ve just spent twenty-five hours traveling to get here,” Artie whispered, tugging on the ends of his messy-from-the-plane hair.
But Leith was already lifting a fist to knock on the door.
The sound of someone approaching the door came from the other side and the door was yanked open by Wiz who was looking down at his phone. “Did you forget your keycard agai—”
His words were cut off when he looked up to find us standing in front of him.
Wiz’s mouth opened before it closed and the man just sighed as if he wasn’t overly surprised to see us. “I see Alexei finally spilled the beans then?”
I held up the piece of paper. “Where is she?”
Wiz stepped to the side and let us into the room. It looked lived in, probably because it had been. Some of their clothing was draped over the radiator, drying from the wash one of them had given it.
There was a movie on the television and a half-eaten sandwich on the bed telling me what Wiz had been doing before we knocked.
“She’s not here right now. She left for the hospice to visit her father an hour ago,” Wiz explained as we took the space in.
Charm seemed the happiest to see the man and was busily pushing her snout into his hand, plying him for scratches as the four of us stood in awkward silence.
“So, it’s been a minute,” Wiz finally said before sinking down onto the edge of the bed. “I suppose you are all looking for an explanation?”