Page 23 of Heart On Ice
Artem, the male figure skater from earlier, had one hand tucked into Leith’s elbow and the other gripping the handle of a golden retriever’s harness. He was glancing between the two of us, his blue eyes squinting at me.
“Leith, do you know her?” the third man asked, his lips pulling down into a frown as he stared at me.
Leith looked exactly the same as he had four years ago. Red beard neatly trimmed while his similarly fiery hair was pulled back into a messy bun. I could still remember how silky it had felt sliding in between my fingers and my fingers twitched as we stared at one another.
Leith’s green eyes turned away from me to the man who’d spoken. “She’s the one I told you about, Enz—the one I knew before I met you and Artie.”
The man’s dark eyebrows shot up and both he and Artem looked at me with a different sort of understanding, the kind that made gooseflesh prickle along my skin. It was clear that Leith had told both of them all about the three months that we’d spent together.
Panic rattled in my chest and I took a step back away from them.
“Ciara wait—” Leith began and reached out with his free hand, as if to stop me.
“Sorry, I’ve got someone waiting for me,” I blurted and turned on one of my very tall heels, ducking back into the noise of the club with a ragged gasp.
I’d been planning to tell Wiz that we couldn’t sleep together tonight. But as I pushed back through the crowd which had begun to pulse with the level of reckless drunkenness that meant that things would start going wild very soon, I changed my mind.
I needed something to help me forget about the redheaded alpha outside and the way that he’d nearly made me give in to him and do something I swore I never would do.
The only thing that had saved me from making a big mistake and flying back to Scotland to see him was that he had stopped calling me and I finally understood why now.
Wiz was still nursing his nearly empty beer when I returned to the table, a perturbed frown on his face.
“Hey, you left pretty abruptly back there—” he began, but I cut him off with a kiss, curling my fingers in the rough denim of his jacket.
“Do you want to go somewhere else?” I asked, my voice low when I finally pulled away.
Wiz’s dark eyes seemed to shift from confusion to lust and I could feel the purr rattling in his chest against my fingertips.
“Sure,” he said, threading his fingers through mine. “Let’s go.”
Chapter six
It definitely wasn’t like me to sleep with a woman right after meeting her. All of my cousins usually teased me for being a bit of a romantic prude, and rightfully so. I could count on one hand the number of women I’d ever slept with and most of those had been in established relationships.
Ciara Callaghan was different though.
I would be lying if I said I hadn’t watched both of her programs earlier and been immediately smitten.
When he’d seen my slack-jawed awe, Nash had warned me that she wasn’t the commitment type of person. He didn’t elaborate, but I could read between the lines. Once I told him that I didn’t care, he invited me out to meet her while they celebrated.
She was far prettier in person than she’d been on camera. She had this warm brown skin and curly hair that floated around her head and while she was on the taller side, she was still a bit shorter than I was—the perfect height for kissing my brain had whispered numbly to me as we sized each other up.
And damn did she smell amazing. Like, turn-me-rock-hard amazing.
We were at the point of the evening where our scent-blockers had started to wear off, filling the club with an absolute blur of different scents.
I could pick Ciara’s out almost immediately amongst the throng as soon as her hand slid into mine. The smell of cinnamon with the slightest hint of nutmeg made for a mouthwatering combination.
My instincts took over from there and I found myself flirting shamelessly with her in front of her entire family. Yet another thing that wasn’t like me.
When she reciprocated I thought my heart was going to burst right out of my chest and do a little jig on the bar. Not only that, my brain had been a constant chant of don’t fuck it up, Jae, don’t fuck it up ever since. Which made it even harder to function when she kissed me.
Then I made the idiot mistake of mentioning my impending trade to the Stallions. I could see her mood shift in a blink. Then she was running away and I was left to kick myself at our table and pray she took pity on me and came back.
“Stupid,” I muttered glumly to myself as I took another swig of my beer. “So stupid.”
Ever since our lips met, I’d been telling myself that I wouldn’t mind a one night stand if it was with Ciara Callaghan. That I could handle it.