Page 28 of Heart On Ice
“Yeah, it seems like it.” Wiz gave me yet another one of his half-dimpled smiles which was the thing that had gotten me into this damn situation in the first place.
Why did you do this, Ciara? I scolded myself inwardly as we quietly collected the plethora of tied off condoms and deposited them into the waste bin.
I knew exactly why I’d done it.
I’d been all but ready to write the night off as a wash after he told me about the potential trade. Then I’d seen Leith and I’d acted purely on instinct, needing to use something to help me forget about the alpha who’d very nearly made me break my rules four years ago.
And in doing so, it seemed like I was going to be breaking even more rules with the cute alpha who was still frowning at the box of condoms. “There were fifteen in here. I’m surprised I don’t look like a raisin right now.”
Despite my inner panic, I couldn’t help but snort at the joke. “Seems to me like you were a bit pent up.”
“I guess so, it’s been a couple of years,” Wiz said offhandedly and I winced.
Another string to add to the other one. Hell, maybe more than that at this point.
Normally, I would come, I would fuck, and then I’d get the hell out of dodge before conversations like this could happen.
But there was a wriggling desire blooming in my chest. A desire to be in this man’s company a whole hell of a lot longer than usual.
I opened my mouth to break yet another rule and ask him about it, but the buzz of my cell phone saved me from myself.
Brynn was calling, her face lighting up the screen as she stuck her tongue out at the camera.
“I’ve got to go.” I hurried to stand and snatch my rumpled black dress up off the ground.
Wiz frowned, his dark brows drawing together as he sat up straight. “Already?”
I held the phone up so that he could see the incoming call. “Sorry, family calls.”
Wiz reached out and gently grabbed my free hand. “Can I see you again? If I end up back in Seattle?”
Tiny alarm bells were ringing in my head.
Tell him no, my brain whispered.
“…Sure,” my traitorous mouth, driven by instinct and the fact that he’d just fucked my brains out in a way they hadn’t been in years, said out loud.
Wiz’s frown melted and he shot me a bright smile that was so broad that I realized that he actually had two dimples making him look too cute for words. “I look forward to it.”
A strangled noise left my lips and I couldn’t help but drop a knee onto the bed and pull him in for one last, blistering kiss.
He was damned adorable and damned dangerous. I needed to get the hell away from him before I got any ideas about him sticking around.
I had rules for a reason—even if I always seemed to break them whenever I stepped foot onto the cobbled streets of Edinburgh.
The urge to climb back into the rumpled bed with him and continue where we’d left off was almost overwhelming and I nearly did just that, but the insistent buzzing of my phone dulled whatever ardor I was working on rebuilding with the man in front of me.
“Bye,” I murmured against his mouth before straightening and hurrying for the door, not daring to look back at him.
I made sure that I was halfway down the hallway before finally answering the phone. “What do you want, oh cockblocking sister of mine?”
There was a huff of male laughter on the other end, telling me that I was on speaker and Brynn’s two alphas had heard me. It didn’t matter much to me, there wasn’t much about my sex life that they hadn’t heard about.
I was fairly sure that the three of them listened to all of my escapades for the drama of it all. It was like their version of a soap opera, starring me.
“We were just wondering where you were.” Brynn’s voice was nonchalant, but it was clear she was prying for information about my night.
“Just leaving the main athletes hotel and heading back to the family wing,” I told her, tapping on the elevator button.