Page 35 of Heart On Ice
Leith was quiet for a beat before he begrudgingly took Enzo’s offered hand and let our packmate help him to his feet. “And I regret it every day.”
As if he understood everything the burly man said, Lucky let out a whimper and nudged the man’s leg.
“Don’t you look at me like that,” Leith said, moving past the silly dog and turning his attention to me. “Have you gotten your nest stuff unpacked yet, Mo leannan?”
His apple scent filled my nose and I could feel the tenseness that was bunched in between my shoulder blades ease almost immediately.
There was nothing like the scent of my alphas to calm me down. It was like omega Xanax.
Letting go of Charm’s harness, I slid my hands underneath his arms and pressed my body as closely as I could to his and put my ear directly over his heart. His heart rate was always a little bit faster than everyone else’s and his purr was low, like the rumble of a pickup truck as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.
“Mo leannan?” he asked again and I could feel him prod along the edges of our bond, seeming to realize I’d been shielding them from my emotions.
A sigh left me and I pressed my nose into his shirt, inhaling deeply before answering him. “Almost, though it all smells wrong now because it’s been on a plane.”
Our flat back in Edinburgh had smelled like home, this place smelled like fake lemon-scented cleaner and rain. I thought it rained a lot in the UK, but that seemed to have nothing on the famous Emerald City.
It had been raining when we stepped off of the plane, then through the night, and it was still drizzling outside as the movers worked to unload our storage pod downstairs.
Speaking of the movers, the sound of the front door opening distracted me from Leith’s very nice, very broad chest. “Sir?”
“What do you need?” Leith asked as he’d been handling all of the movers today. If Enzo did it he’d probably end up losing his temper with them when they didn’t do something right.
Leith pressed a kiss to the top of my head and moved to the front door where I could hear him talking quietly with the man.
I was so intent on trying to listen that I didn’t realize Enzo was coming up behind me until his tart cranberry scent enveloped me at the same time his arms did.
“I have an idea of what we can do to make your nest smell like home,” he growled into my ear.
I gasped, pretending to be scandalized, though we both knew that out of the three of us, I was the kinkiest. “With the movers here?”
“They’re almost done.” Enzo shrugged and turned us fully away from the front door so that our lips could crash together with some semblance of privacy.
“So you want me to go downstairs to talk to the other moving company about sharing the move-in bay?” Leith said loudly enough to make sure we could hear. “All right, I’m coming.”
I could feel Enzo’s smile against mine as we both realized that our sensitive Scotsman always knew how to read the room.
The door shut and the lock clicked behind them. We were suddenly very much alone.
“All right, let’s go break in this fresh nest of yours.” Enzo let out a little whoop before sweeping me up off of my feet.
The dogs started to bark, not liking the rudeness of my alpha’s movements and his laughter echoed through the box-filled apartment.
“No dogs allowed,” Enzo told them before kicking the door to my bedroom firmly shut behind us, leaving Lucky and Charm firmly on the other side.
There was one last sad woof from Lucky before they retreated—probably to get into something—but I couldn’t find it in myself to care when my alpha was busily sliding his hands up the back of my jumper.
“It’s been a while.” Enzo’s words were muffled by the clash of our hungry lips as I fumbled with the buttons on his checked shirt.
It had been a while. Since my last heat a month ago in fact.
I’d been trying not to show that the lack of intimacy was hurting my feelings, but only my ever-observant Leith had picked up on it.
Enzo had spent most of the past month on the phone trying to coordinate everything and reconnect with his family members who lived in California. We were supposed to fly down for Christmas—something he hadn’t done since before he met me in University.
“You’re distracted,” Enzo grumbled as he finally managed to tug the brightly colored jumper over my head, his hands immediately going for the button on my trousers.
Meanwhile, I’d finally made my way down to the last button on his shirt and pushed it down over his shoulders before attacking the undershirt beneath. “And you’ve got far too many clothes on, love.”