Page 50 of Heart On Ice
I thought about it before nodding. “I have.”
Ricky Moren in seventh grade and I had gone steady until high school, but I was pretty sure that didn’t count.
Then Leith’s face rose unbidden into my mind and I shoved it right back down. Leith and I never technically dated, though that sounded false even to my own mind.
“I’m not good at it, so no I won’t go on a date with you,” I said even as my inner alpha protested my words.
“Just give me one night and I won’t bug you ever again. I haven’t been able to forget you, Ciara.” Wiz’s words nearly made me smile, but I caught it just before my lips could curve upward.
“I seem to have that effect on people,” I said dryly, thinking about Richter who still seemed to be buzzing around despite the fact that I had told him no more times than I could count.
Telling Richter no was easy. I had no desire to go anywhere with that alpha—in fact I could barely remember our time together at the night of the dads’ wedding. Tequila was a hell of an alcoholic beverage.
I could, however, remember every second of my night with Jae-Sun Park. Even through the haze of our mutual rut I could still conjure the noises he made and the way the sweat on his skin tasted with very little effort.
And therein lay my problem.
The last time someone had made such an impression on me had ended with me breaking a Scotsman’s heart and my own.
Something I’d worked tirelessly to avoid doing after seeing the tumultuous relationship between my own parents.
And even as I reminded myself of it, I found my resolve starting to crumble.
“If you hate it I won’t ever talk to you again, I swear.”
Chewing on my lower lip, I weighed the pros and cons of it.
On one hand, it wouldn’t hurt anyone to go out on a date with Wiz. I just had to make it through one night without doing anything I regretted.
But on the other hand, looking at the alpha who was rubbing a napkin on his burnt tongue—which should have completely turned me off—my mind flipped back to where else his tongue had been on me and my entire body flushed with heat.
“Fine,” my mouth said before my brain could catch up.
Wiz perked up, his expression glowing as if he’d won the lottery and not just a date with little old me.
He also looked as if he was about to wiggle completely out of his seat and damn if it wasn’t adorable. “No take backsies, Ciara—promise?”
With a sigh I put my elbow on the table and held up my pinky.
Wiz frowned at it. “What’s that for?”
“A pinky promise—I hear they work well.”
It was only once Wiz linked his pinky around mine that I remembered the last part of Brynn’s little ritual with her alphas.
My face warmed.
“What?” Wiz asked, seeing my expression shift.
“We ah…” I trailed off, debating on whether or not to just leave the pinky promise as is. But I was a superstitious woman at heart. “We have to seal it with a kiss—to our thumbs.”
I hurried to say that last part because Wiz looked too pleased with the idea of kissing me and I was trying to be good.
“Our thumbs, right.” Wiz leaned forward until his lips just barely ghosted over the knuckle of his thumb. “Well, aren’t you going to do it too?”
Why did this feel way more intimate than when we were having sex in Scotland?
I quickly bobbed forward to kiss my thumb, my nose filling with his scent, before I reeled back like the contact had burned me.