Page 82 of Heart On Ice
“Leith, we just had morning sex, I’d wager you’re pretty flushed too.” Though I couldn’t actually be sure. Curse my decision to purchase rose colored sheets for my nest. As soon as we got out of bed I was going to buy black ones and put them on a rush order.
I’d never really put much stock in my doctor’s recent advice to start purchasing high contrast items to help identify things even with how blurry my vision was becoming, but now as I glanced over at Leith whose head seemed to blend in with the pink sheets, even I had to admit he was correct.
“Your heat is coming pretty soon… maybe we should have Enzo stay home.”
With a sigh, I reached in between our bodies and gripped his still half-erect cock that was slippery from my slick. “My heat is two weeks off. If he stays home now he’s just going to have to fly down to visit his dad after that and I know he’s worried about him being in the hospital.”
Enzo’s dad had been admitted for an emergency heart surgery last night and the alpha had been in a flurry of activity as he arranged to fly down to California to see him. The surgery had been a success as far as Enzo’s sister had told us, but I could still feel the random spikes of panic from my alpha who’d shut himself away in his room last night.
He hadn’t been able to make it back to the states when his mom died and I knew it had always weighed on him. So I wanted him to be able to see his dad this time.
Feverish feelings and mood swings aside, I could handle him leaving for a couple of days.
Okay, maybe I was in denial that there was a very real possibility that my heat was going to be early.
Case and point my voracious appetite for my alphas had grown ever since Friday night after Enzo came home smelling of a mouthwatering mixture of his cranberry scent and Ciara’s cinnamon.
I’d been pissed at him for kissing her first… and then I’d licked every inch of his skin that night.
“Are you two still in bed?” Enzo’s voice came from the doorway of my bedroom, a dark shadow against the backdrop of the hall light.
Lifting my hand, I offered him a smile. “It’s not time to get up yet, we’ve still got another two hours before we need to drop you at the airport. Come cuddle?”
There was a pause before he finally surrendered and slid into the bed on my other side, his weight warm at my back as we settled in together.
Then his hand came up to my face before flipping over so that he could brush the back of it against my hot skin. I resisted the urge to press my mouth into it and give him a nip.
“He’s feverish,” Enzo said to Artie over my shoulder.
“I told him that,” Leith murmured, his hands also pressing into my body.
I could almost hear Enzo’s frown in his voice when he spoke again. “Maybe I should stay home…”
“No. Absolutely not, you need to go and see your dad.” I rolled over so that I was completely facing him.
“But what if you go into heat?”
It was definitely a possibility with the way I was feeling, but I still couldn’t wrap my mind around it. My estrus was usually like clockwork, so for it to come two weeks early seemed unlikely.
“It’s still two weeks off, and Leith can help me until you get back if it does happen.” I could still feel his trepidation through the bond. “Enz, love, you haven’t been able to see your dad in a few years. You go and visit with your family, we’ll be fine here.”
“I have to agree with him, Enz, I can hold things down here,” Leith chimed in from over my shoulder as he tucked his chin into the crook of my neck, his beard tickling the skin there.
My alpha seemed to be deep in thought as he traced patterns into my skin before he finally let out a sigh. “All right, but if something happens you’ll call me right away?”
“What’s going to happen?” I asked, trying to get to the root of his anxiety. We hadn’t been apart for more than a couple of days since we met in University and I was afraid that it had done more to exacerbate Enzo’s overprotectiveness rather than soothe it.
Enzo shrugged one shoulder, his lips hovering over mine like he wanted to kiss me, but had gotten distracted part of the way there. “I’m not sure, I just woke up with a weird feeling about it all. Like something is going to happen if I get on that plane.”
“Nothing is going to happen. We’re still going to be here, waiting for you to return to us,” I promised, closing the gap and pressing my lips to his.
Like always, Enzo completely melted under my touch.
“Okay,” he said, his voice rough with desire once we broke free of each other. “But you two do have to get up. I’d rather get to the airport early just in case my flight gets moved.”
Leith groaned from behind me. “Enzo, your flight doesn’t leave for four hours.”
“I like to be prepared,” Enzo sniffed defensively. “Never know how long the TSA security check will take and I’d rather get to my gate and wait than miss my flight.”