Page 2 of Dare You to Ruin Me
Everyone on campus knows to steer clear of Dimitri and his band at the Phi Kappa Sigma house. He's got the whole lot of them wrapped around his little finger. They follow him around like obedient dogs, eager to please their master. Even his cousin Ivan, who by all accounts seems like a decent guy when he's not by Dimitri's side.
Whenever Dimitri and his lackeys go out, trouble follows. Loud parties that last all night, drinks spilled, girls being harassed and grabbed against their will. The authorities turn a blind eye since Dimitri's family pumps tons of money into the university. It's like he's untouchable.
My phone buzzes in my pocket as I stroll down a tree-lined path, dappled afternoon sunlight filtering through the leaves. I don't even need to check the screen to know it's Lorenzo. Again. That's the tenth call I've ignored today. I'm sure he's fuming that I won't pick up. Tough luck. I'm not in the mood to hear him drone on about his golf game or stocks or whatever else rich old men talk about.
The phone finally goes silent. But a few seconds later, it starts buzzing with a barrage of texts. I don't read them, but I'm sure they're full of passive aggressive jabs about me being an ungrateful fiancée. Lorenzo hates when I don't answer his calls and texts immediately. He sees it as a challenge to his authority over me.
My thumb hovers over the power button, tempted to just turn the stupid phone off. But I know he'll only punish me worse later if I do. With a resigned sigh, I slide the phone back into my pocket, letting it buzz unanswered against my leg.
Only three more months until I'm shackled for life to that arrogant, patronizing tyrant. Dad couldn't have picked a more odious man for me to marry if he had tried. I bet Lorenzo gets some sick satisfaction out of controlling me, being able to lord his money and power over his new child bride. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl.
Sometimes I fantasize about making a break for it. Hopping on a bus bound for anywhere and leaving this mess behind. But my father would hunt me down in a heartbeat. His precious business merger with Lorenzo’s family depends on me going through with this sham of a marriage. And Dad always gets what he wants, no matter who has to suffer.
A wave of unease creeps up my spine as I turn the corner onto a quieter street. The buzz from my phone has died down, and the sudden silence feels heavy, suffocating. I pick up my pace and the click of my heels against the pavement echoes the fact that I’m alone.
I'm halfway down the block when an unmistakable sound of footsteps falls into sync with my own. My heart races; I tell myself it's just another student heading home, but a chill tells me otherwise. Before I can glance over my shoulder, a rough hand clamps over my mouth, cutting off my startled cry.
Panic surges through me as I'm yanked backward into an alleyway. The smell of cigarettes and leather invades my senses. I thrash against the iron grip, but it's futile. My muffled screams go unheard as more hands join the first, dragging me deeper into the shadows.
"Let me go!" I manage to shout once they release their hold on my mouth. My words echo off the brick walls, sounding small and helpless, even to my own ears.
Boris looms over me, his face an impassive mask. Lev's cold grip tightens on my arm, his fingers digging in like steel bands. Andrei and Mikhail flank him, silent sentinels blocking any hope of escape.
"What do you want from me?" I demand, voice shaking despite my attempt at bravado.
Boris just smirks and shakes his head slowly. Lev's response is a low chuckle that sets my nerves on edge.
"Keep quiet if you know what's good for you," Andrei says with a sneer. His threat sends shivers down my spine.
I kick out at Mikhail, hoping to break free, but he easily dodges and grabs both of my wrists in one of his massive hands.
"You're making this harder than it needs to be," he growls.
"Where are you taking me?" I try to keep the fear out of my voice, but it quivers uncontrollably.
They don't answer. Instead, they hustle me toward a black SUV parked at the mouth of the alley. Panic bubbles up inside me like boiling water about to overflow. This can't be happening.
I open my mouth to scream again when Boris clamps his hand back over it. "Not a sound," he hisses in my ear.
The threat in his voice is unmistakable; any further resistance will be met with violence.
My mind races with images of what Dimitri might do if I anger his men any further.
As we reach the SUV, they shove me inside and slam the door shut behind me. The vehicle peels away from the curb before I can even attempt to get my bearings.
They take everything from me—my phone, my purse.
When we finally stop, I recognize the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity house looming before us like some twisted fortress. The place where Dimitri holds court with his loyal subjects—his enforcers who are now my captors.
They drag me from the car and up the steps to the front door. My heart is racing so fast it feels like it might burst through my chest. I scan the street for anyone who might help me but it is deserted—everyone else is likely to be enjoying their Friday evening oblivious to what's happening here.
"Please," I whisper as Boris tightens his hold on my hand "just tell me why."
His only response is a grunt as he pushes me forward into Andrei's waiting arms. Mikhail opens the door and they haul me inside.
The house is dimly lit and eerily silent—which is quite strange since it's usually raucous during parties. They march me down a hallway lined with doors until we reach one at the far end.
As they open it and push me inside, every fiber of my being screams that this is wrong—that something terrible awaits me beyond that threshold.