Page 23 of Fever Pitch
“Really? And who’s to say I wouldn't have shown up at the club?”
“Surely you’ve had enough of clubbing with me by now. I thought enough bad stuff happened because of that.”
As we’ve been sparring, we’ve been crossing the floor towards the elevators. I reach out to press the call button, and we face each other as we wait. Olivia looks up at me, because she’s not quite tall enough to look me in the eye, our bodies ever so slightly too close to each other to pretend that this is just a casual conversation.
“I never said that,” she says softly, but before I can react, she returns to the challenge. “What if I wanted a night out? I’m sure you would have.” Before I can say anything else in my defense, the elevator opens with a loud ding.
We step inside and it takes us right up to our rooms, uninterrupted by anyone else. It would be so easy to pull her close to me now, to kiss her inappropriately and no one would ever know, the situation made even hotter by the time pressure of appearing normal a few seconds later.
There’s been a twist of fate in that Olivia’s room is right next to mine. It’s like the universe is trying to tell us something. I’m listening, but is she?
I press my key card to my door, hesitating before I go in to look over at Olivia, who is doing the same. She throws me a suspicious look. “You’re not going to just sneak out again, are you? Because if you’re planning on making my life hell, I’d appreciate you letting me know now.”
“Would I do such a thing?” I say, knowing full well that the answer is yes. “Cross my heart, I’m not planning to make your life difficult at all. I’ll be right here.” I take a sharp breath as I realize I’ve performed an act of unusual and unforgivable tenderness. Quickly, to break the growing tensions, I say, “Well, I’m about to go and have a shower. If you want to supervise that, you’re more than welcome to.”
“What you do in the shower is your own business,” she says sharply, though the way she licks her lips betrays how she really feels. I want to feel that tongue on my body so badly, but all I can do is give her my most smoldering smile.
In reply, she shakes her head, crushing my hopes of her joining me. “I’m going to have a nap. Don’t you be getting up to any mischief while my back’s turned, okay?”
“Okay,” I say in a singsong tone. “You’ll know where I’ll be if you want me. I’ll leave the door unlocked for you.” I wink at her, and she stares blankly at me, turning back to her room to open the door without another word.
It was worth a try, I guess, even if the result isn’t what I wanted. It can’t ruin my day.
I slide into my room and, keeping my word, leave the door unlocked.
In the bathroom, I strip off ungracefully, tossing my clothes in a heap on the floor. They’ll go in the wash eventually. Right now, hot water is what I want. I stretch my neck and shoulders, lifting my arms high above my head. My body aches from the day, from the game and the trains and the heat.
But just before I go to turn the shower on, I hear the quiet yet unmistakable click of my door opening, of footsteps entering and the click of the door closing again. I guess Olivia really did want me after all.
With that thought, I turn the hot water on and smile as I step inside, letting the water rush over me and giving in to all my lustful thoughts.
It’s like some force I can’t quite control that makes me slip out of my room and into Miles’s. I don’t know why I’m surprised when his door is open like he said it would be, but I guess knowing that he really meant what he said has implications beyond what I’m willing to process. All I know is that I have an unbearable and unavoidable attraction to him.
The shower is on when I step into the room, and I hesitate for a second. If I just slipped back out of here now, he would never know. And yet the irresistible force of him makes me freeze on the spot. I don’t think my feet would let me leave even if I wanted to. It’s strange and frustrating.
I weigh up my options. Every sensible part of myself is screaming out to turn and pretend none of this is happening, to run back to my room and hide in my bed and sleep without any dirty thoughts or intimate touching whatsoever. But the image of the way he smiled at me in the corridor flashes into my mind and my skin prickles the way it does when we bicker in that kind of flirty way as we stand slightly closer together than is really necessary.
I can’t deny it. My body is aching for him, remembering all the things he did with his fingers and tongue that night after the club. He was mind-blowing when I was slightly tipsy, but I can’t believe he would be bad completely sober. Neither of us were quite in our right minds that night, and we still connected like a perfect jigsaw. I somehow don’t think he’s been bragging about his prowess; I think he probably has the ability to make me feel like I’m in heaven.
And that settles it for me. I can’t ignore this want anymore.
So, I brace my hand against the fake wood of the bathroom door and slowly push it open to be met with a face full of steam. I take a decisive step inside, trying not to cough. The heat and humidity sticks my shirt to my body almost instantly and I just want to rip it off to toss it on the pile of Miles’s clothes.
I close the door behind me with a thud. I’d be surprised if he didn’t know I was here, but I want to make my presence known.
“So nice of you to join me,” calls Miles from in the shower, his voice full of his own self-satisfaction.
“Don’t get too excited,” I say, though I don’t mean it.
It’s a pretty big bathroom, with waterfall faucets and gray tiles, and it’s got one of those walk-in showers that’s the length of the wall and has a glass pane covering three quarters of it. I can see his naked form moving inside the shower. It’s obscured by the condensation, but not enough that I can’t fill in the details.
It’s a big shower. Easily big enough for two. I’m giddy just thinking about it.
“Babe,” says Miles, “let’s be real. I can’t think of that many reasons why a hot young woman like you would come into a guy’s bathroom while he was showering. And I definitely can’t see any reason why she would still need all her clothes.”