Page 47 of Fever Pitch
“Great,” I lie. “How are you?”
“I’ll cut to the chase. He’s coming back to us. It’s not settled yet, but we want him, and I doubt the Canaries are going to throw up too many barriers to us buying him,” says Tim, and I can just see his little grin now.
“Since when has this been happening? I mean, how is it happening? Why?” My head is swimming. I stumble to a chair, my legs too wobbly to support me for much longer.
“Well, it’s been a week or so in the planning, so this is fresh, but not long after he left, we got a call from Croydon asking if we’d like to negotiate a more permanent contract for him in Miami. We said yes, obviously. We’ve never played better than when he’s been here. As for when or why? Impossible to say. We’re still in the early stages of discussion. Technically, this is a complete secret, and I shouldn’t be telling you at all. So, fingers on lips, yeah?”
I can’t form even a single word in my confused and dumbfounded state. Miles is coming back to the Macaws for good? I know he enjoyed being here, but to move here full-time?
The part of me that hoped he cared flares back into life, burning again just after I’d managed to dim it to embers. It’s dumb to imagine he’s coming back for me, but him being here means I’ll see him again. It means he’ll find out about the baby.
For a second, I panic that he knows about the baby and that’s why he’s coming, but I haven’t told a soul at work about it yet. Only Elena and Tali know, and maybe the work receptionist if she’s been paying attention lately. I haven’t told her, but she’s smart, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s put the pieces together.
“Why are you telling me?” I ask when my ability to speak comes back. “If it’s a secret.”
“We’ll need you primed and ready to help him settle in,” says Tim like it’s obvious.
“Why me?” I ask. “Why tell me now instead of waiting?”
“You helped before,” he says. “I figured you’d want to help again. And I didn’t want you to be surprised at the press conference. You’re subtle, Olivia, but not that subtle.”
My whole face burns hot and I sink down into the chair. “You knew? This whole time?”
“I had my suspicions,” he says, his grin visible in his words. “We’ll get him back for you. Don’t worry.”
“Thank you,” I say quietly, my chest tight as I try to process this.
Tim hangs up, leaving me in the silence. If even Tim could see it, that means there must be something between us, right? It’s not that insane to imagine that at least a tiny part of Miles coming back is for me. It should be, but I can’t stop thinking it now. Miles is coming back for me.
Miles is coming back to be a father — and he doesn’t even know it.
I stare up at the ceiling, one hand on my belly, the other on my forehead. I have to live in hope that Miles will want to hear this news. Now I know he’ll be back, I don’t think I can do this without him.
I’m out of breath by the time I’ve run up all the stairs. I don’t know what I was expecting from Olivia’s apartment block, but I don’t think it was this. It’s a nice enough place, but it’s by no means good enough for her. She deserves the whole world.
I wonder if they’ve told her that I’m coming back yet? The press release isn’t happening until next week, but I wanted to move sooner. The idea of getting back out of Croydon was irresistible.
I wonder if she cares?
Panting, I stand outside her door. God, what if she thinks I’m a creeper for knowing where she lives? Because I’m pretty sure she never actually told me her address. But Tim gave me the information freely, even if, technically, he probably shouldn’t have done. It definitely seems like a breach of employee privacy.
But I can’t worry about it anymore because I’m here now. I pace in front of her door, taking heavy footsteps. What if she doesn’t even want to see me? What if I’m wasting my time? And what if coming back to America was a huge mistake? Do I tell her that I came back for her? Because I like the Macaws — but I love her.
As great as the guys are, I don’t think the team alone would be enough to make me want to come back for good.
I should just knock. I have to say my piece. If I wuss out of this, what’s the point of anything?
I stop outside the door, planting my feet. I take a deep breath and raise my fist, then lower it again before I can do anything. I don’t know what to say to her. What if this isn’t even her house? I’m sure a stranger wouldn’t want to see me here. I should go.
And then the door opens, and I let out a completely undignified scream.
Olivia shrieks back at me, making us both jump again. “What’s up?” I say weakly.
“What the hell are you doing here?” she says, her mouth dropping open in shock.