Page 18 of Raven's Place
“I figured I’d get the job done. I don’t need you to watch over me whilst I end a dirty fucker like him.”
Vinn takes a few deep breaths, then his eyes narrow in on the bloodied heap. “I thought you were going home to rest,” he spits out to Raven.
“I was. These guys had to do this first,” she mutters, and it pisses me off she’s bothering to answer to him.
“Well, we’ll let theseguys clean up, and I’ll take you home.”
Raven looks hesitant. “I can take her home after clean-up,” I say firmly.
Vinn suddenly yells, “I’m sure you can, but seeing as I’m in fucking charge, I’ll make the decisions.”
I smirk. It’ll take more than him raising his voice to worry me. Chains arches his eyebrow in warning for me to shut the fuck up. “In charge?” I repeat.
“Enough,” snaps Chains. “Thanks, Vinn, we’ll sort the clean-up.”
“Bullshit!” I snap. “You’re not in charge of me.”
Vinn reaches for his gun, drawing it and pointing it at my head. There’s an easy look in his eye, like he’d take my life without a blink. I know that look too well—it’s similar to my own. “While I’m paying your wage, I’m in charge,” he says clearly.
Raven steps between us. “Vinn, there’s no need for that,” she says with pleading eyes, but he doesn’t acknowledge her. I gently pull her behind me, not comfortable with the gun so close to her.
“Clean this shit show up. Raven, let’s go!” he growls.
“Do you want to go with him?” I ask, turning my back on him and his stupid gun so I’m looking at her. “It’s up to you.”
“Who the fuck does this clown think he is?” Vinn shouts.
“It’s fine,” mutters Raven. “I’ll see you later.” I shake my head angrily. She’s just trying to keep the peace, but I’d happily take this arsehole on if she gives me the nod. Instead, I step aside, letting her pass. Vinn grabs her by the arm, and it pisses me off even more.
The second they’re outside and the door closes, Chains shoves me in the chest. “Are you fucking stupid? What did I say to you about showing respect?”
“If you ask me, it’s about time someone challenged him,” mutters Blade.
“Well, no one asked you,” Chains snaps. “Riggs will go mad when he finds out about this.”
“I don’t care,” I say, checking the body for a pulse. “He’s still alive,” I add. Blade rolls his eyes and lunges forward, pushing a knife into the guy’s eye. I screw my face in disgust. “As far as I’m concerned, I answer to Riggs. He’s my President, not Vinn. And if you were a good friend to Raven, you’d have intervened there. She’s heartbroken, and she didn’t want to go with him.”
“Raven and Vinn?” asks Blade, and I nod.
“She told me it wasn’t serious and that it’s over now anyway,” says Chains.
“Well, she’s hurting pretty bad. If I can see that, why can’t you?”
“Are you looking for something with her?” Chains asks accusingly.
“No!” It comes out sharper than I intended. “I was just around when she was upset and I couldn’t walk away. I’m telling you so you take over.”
“Brother, I get enough shit off my ol’ lady about Raven, I can’t spend any more time than I already do. Besides, she’s confided in you, so clearly she trusts you.”
“She doesn’t fucking know me, so stop passing the buck. Look, if you don’t wanna deal with her, then that’s your problem. I’ve told you, and if you choose to ignore it, so be it.”
“Can’t you watch out for her?” he asks.
“I just walked away from all my shit. I don’t have the headspace to deal with hers.” And right on time, my mobile rings and Ruby’s name flashes up again.