Page 29 of Raven's Place
“I know everything,” says Vinn with a laugh. “I’m being friendly.”
“Let’s just go,” says Chains.
“As a goodwill gesture, why don’t I pay for your tattoos?” asks Vinn.
“I don’t need your fucking money,” Mac says.
“I’ll give Raven the time off if you want to get them done right away. I know how important it is once you’ve claimed someone.”
Mac turns to leave, his eyes fixed on me. “Great idea,” he hisses. “Raven, let’s go and see if they can fit us in now.”
“Oh . . . erm, is that a good idea?” A tattoo is very permanent and this is a temporary arrangement.
“It’s a fucking great idea. Let’s go.” He takes my hand, and I grab my bag, following him into the lift.
As the doors close, I turn to him. “What the fuck?”
“I know, alright, I wasn’t keen on the idea either, but he pushes my fucking buttons. He knows we’re not together and wants us to crack. Well, I’m not letting him back into your life, so we’re getting the damn tattoos.”
“But they’re permanent.”
“I’ll pay for your cover-up. Get a small one.”
* * *
Tatts isn’t busy when we arrive. He’s drawing on a sketch pad with music blaring out. “Good to meet you, man,” he says, shaking hands with Mac. “Lake was telling me some new guys have joined. Take the chair and we’ll get started.”
I watch as Mac pulls his shirt over his head and hands it to me. Two things happen—I get a whiff of his aftershave, which smells amazing, and I stare wide-eyed at his hot torso. Of course, he’s got an arm covered in tattoos. He turns away from me to take a seat, and I notice they crawl down his back too. Ruby’s name sits on his left shoulder in large letters.
“What am I doing, brother?”
Mac pulls up an image on his mobile and shows Tatts. “I want this with Raven’s name underneath.”
“Not a problem,” says Tatts, going over to his desk and sketching it out.
“What are you having?” I ask.
He turns his mobile to me and a black raven stares back. It’s nice, and once this madness is over, no one will know that Raven is an actual person. He’ll just look like a bird lover. Mac takes a pen from the side and holds out his hand. I place my hand in his, and he turns it over, writing on the side of my wrist. Once he’s done, I look at his name in neat, scrolled lettering. Mac.
“It doesn’t have to be a huge statement,” he says.
I gently press my fingers over it. I like it. Way more than I should. Tatts returns and shows Mac his drawing. Once he’s happy with it, he presses the design against Mac’s skin on his back. There’s not much room left, but it looks amazing, like it was made to fit. Tatts sets about tattooing the outline, and I watch with interest. This wonderful man is going to all this trouble for me. I’ve never had anyone do anything like this before.
Once Tatts is done, Mac admires it in the mirror. He seems pleased, and when I get in the chair, he takes a seat beside me and holds my free hand. I show Tatts where Mac drew the name. “You don’t have to have that,” says Mac. “I was just showing you an idea.”
I smile. “I want this one. I like it.”
Tatts takes less than two minutes to run the ink over Mac’s name. Once it’s done, I admire it. I like it . . . a lot.
* * *
Arriving back at work, Vinn is already in his first meeting. He catches my eye, but I take a seat at my desk and throw myself into work. The meeting doesn’t go well, and Gerry steps forward a few times to push Mr. Clay back into his seat. It’s heated, though I’m not surprised. Vinn is now blackmailing him, using his gay love affair as leverage to get what he wants from Mr. Clay. Only fools would cross Vinn Romano, and this man was a huge fool for putting himself on Vinn’s radar.
My mind wanders to Ruby. Mac avoids talking about her, but I’m desperate to know more. Did she cheat? Is that why he moved here? Vinn would know the answers, and if he doesn’t already, he could find them out. But maybe it’s too soon to be asking for favours.
Mr. Clay storms out the office. “You’re too nice to be working here, Raven,” he snaps as he pushes the call button for the lift. “I can give you a job and pay double what this arsehole pays you.”
“But you won’t be able to fuck her like I do,” drawls Vinn, and I blush with embarrassment. “Have a good day.”