Page 31 of Raven's Place
“I like nice underwear,” I say defensively.
“I bet Mr. Boss-man does too.”
I blush. “It’s not for Vinn.”
“Maybe I’ll come along tonight, wait around for you to finish.”
“That won’t be necessary. I’ll be finishing late.”
He stands, holding up the underwear and arching a brow. “I’m good with that.”
“Mac, seriously, I’m not going near Vinn.”
He smiles, dropping the garments back on the bed. “I know that, sweetheart, cos I’m gonna be there watching your every move.” He leaves the room, and I bite my lower lip, trying to suppress the smile on my face. I can’t help it—I like that he’s so invested in watching out for me.
“Tell me why we’re here again?” asks Ace.
I point to Raven, who’s chatting to a group of men in business suits. “I wanna make sure she doesn’t fall back into bed with that dickhead.”
“Why do you care?” he asks, rolling his eyes.
“I don’t like him. He thinks he can have what he wants, when he wants, and it pisses me off.”
“Is this because he pulled rank the other day?”
“No,” I snap. “And he didn’t. He thinks he’s some kind of fucking Romeo.” I glare as Vinn charms a group of women.
“So, this has nothing to do with Ruby, Meghan, or Cain?”
I drink my whiskey and slam the glass down. “Nope.”
“You think by wading in there to save some bitch you don’t know, it’ll make everything right?”
“My brother is dead. It’s done. I’ve moved on.”
“Cain died a few months ago. You haven’t dealt with it properly and you walked away from a clusterfuck back home. You don’t just take another ol’ lady and move on. At some point, you’re gonna break. I know that, Riggs knows that . . . we’re just waiting.”
“Nice to know you’re all waiting for me to fall.”
“You know it ain’t like that, brother. I’m worried about you. Making these rash decisions only makes me worry more.”
“I’m fine. Everything is good. I bring you to a nightclub full of pussy and you wanna sit here discussing my life? What’s wrong with you?”
He grins. “You’re right. You’re ugly enough to take care of yourself. Now, where do we start?” He looks around, rubbing his hands together like a kid in a candy store.
“Not me, brother. I have an ol’ lady.”
Ace laughs. “Jesus,” he mutters, shaking his head.
* * *
Ace brings a group of women over to our table, but I keep my attention on Raven. Vinn made a few attempts to bring her into conversations with important-looking men. He makes a point of touching her in some way all the goddamn time. His hand on her lower back or a gentle shoulder squeeze, it pisses me off, but I continue to watch. When they eventually head upstairs to the office together, I follow. Gerry steps in front of me, a smile on his smug face. “Mr. Romano doesn’t wish to be disturbed right now.”
“I don’t wanna speak to Mr. Romano,” I snap.
“Then you have no business going past this point.”