Page 39 of Raven's Place
Chapter Ten
How does Mac know exactly what I need without me saying a word? He drags me around the shops, and I pretend to hate it, but I love every second. He asks me to help him choose some new clothes for himself, which I do. He gets me to decide on a new aftershave, telling me he needs a new start and scent is key to that, then he chooses a new perfume for me, It’s fruity, like something I’d usually go for, and he insists on paying as a way to thank me for all my help. We laugh and mess around, and it’s what I needed today.
I get a few stares when people notice the huge bruises on my cheek, and I know they’re looking at Mac with accusing eyes, but he doesn’t take any notice. Instead, he owns it, grabbing my hand in a possessive hold and staring right back at them with menacing eyes. “Let them think what they want,” he tells me. “We know the truth.”
We sit in Covent Garden and eat ice cream, and then we take a stroll around the market. Mac buys fruit for my breakfast tomorrow, and a gypsy palm reader steps out from the next stall and grabs my hand. He smirks as she tells me I should avoid danger, peering at him with distrusting eyes. She tells me that a knight in shining armour is in my future, and he’ll rescue me from evil. I cross her palm with silver just so she doesn’t curse me before we rush away, laughing.
We’re strolling back through Covent Garden when the heavens open and rain pours down, drenching us instantly. Mac grabs my hand, and we make a run for shelter under a large tree, but it’s too late. My summer dress is sticking to my skin and it’s obvious I’m not wearing a bra when the material becomes practically see-through. Mac’s eyes darken as he takes in my dishevelled appearance. He shakes his head like he’s breaking his thoughts and shrugs out of his kutte, placing it around my shoulders. If everything wasn’t such a mess, it would be the perfect time for him to steal a kiss.
I bite my lower lip to stop myself smiling. I think back to Leia’s words about keeping things low-key and not rushing into anything new. Mac’s been hurt too, I can sense it, so maybe that’s why he’s holding back. Or maybe he genuinely doesn’t see me in that way. I’ve spent so long hiding behind sex, I’m not sure if my feelings are real either. So, I turn away from him and stare out at the people around us, all running to their destinations. It’s been a lovely day, but I can’t mistake my happiness in this moment for feelings towards Mac.
* * *
When we arrive back at the club, Riggs calls me into his office. Vinn is in there, and his presence instantly puts me in a bad mood. He closes the door, and I suspect that’s because he doesn’t want Mac to see. “We wanted to check if you’re okay,” says Riggs.
Vinn eyes Mac’s kutte that I’m still wearing. “Had a good day?”
“You surely didn’t expect to see me at work after last night?” I snap.
“Of course not,” he mutters with regret on his face.
“I won’t be returning to work, Vinn. It’s best if I walk away.”
“What?” he gasps. “You can’t. I need you.”
I stare at the ground. I like working there, but Mac is right, it isn’t working out. “I’m sorry.”
“Is this him? Is he making you quit?” he asks, moving towards me and taking my hands in his.
I shake my head. “How dare you blame him? You put me in danger last night, and I almost got seriously hurt.”
Vinn sighs. “I know. I’m so sorry about that. It was last minute and I didn’t think the plan through. It won’t happen again.” When he sees I’m not wavering, he crouches slightly to look in my eyes. “Corvo, you know I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you on purpose. I killed both those bastards. You know how I feel about you. If you want to take a break from work, fine, but don’t quit.”
“I don’t know,” I mutter.
“Quitting is too final. You’re upset and angry, and I get that, so don’t make any rash decisions right now. Please, Corvo. Just take some time out.”
I nod, and he smiles with relief. “Thank you.” He leans closer and gently places his lips against my own. He holds the kiss for a few seconds, until Riggs coughs, interrupting us.
“Don’t fucking push it, Vinn,” he growls.
“We both know Mac hasn’t claimed her,” mutters Vinn, releasing me.
I turn to open the office door and find Mac staring through the window. He shakes his head in disappointment and moves away. “Shit,” I mutter, rushing after him.
“Mac, wait,” I shout, making a grab for his shoulder. “I told him I’m quitting. He was saying sorry and goodbye.”
“With his lips?” he snaps.
“It wasn’t a proper kiss,” I argue. “He’s only ever kissed me once,” I add, like that makes it better.
He spins to face me, and I stumble to a stop. “How did you fall in love with a man who’s never kissed you properly?”
I shrug. “I’m used to men not kissing me. It’s not what they want me for.”
He releases a low growl. “How do you manage to piss me off and break my heart all in one? Fuck, Raven, I hate how you’ve been treated.”