Page 51 of Raven's Place
“My fault,” I say, smiling. “We have a lot of people wanting help for charities, and so you can imagine the decisions I have to make on who gets what. Mr. Romano wishes he could give to everyone, but unfortunately, it’s just not possible.”
“Right,” she mutters. “Well, let me tell you a little about what we do at the women’s refuge.”
We spend the next hour showing interest and asking the right questions before Vinn smiles and hands over the cheque. They pose for more pictures, then I see Ms. Stone out.
Vinn sees Sofia out, and when he returns, he stops by my desk. “Can you work a shift at the club tonight? I’m short-staffed and need a manager in. I’d do it myself, except I have a dinner date I can’t get out of.”
“Sure,” I agree because it’s better than going home and seeing Mac.
* * *
I finish at the office and rush home to shower and change. Mac’s in the main room, and I avoid eye contact as I dart past. I shower and am halfway through applying makeup when Mac pops his head in. “I need to talk to you.”
“Not now, I’m running late.”
“I have a shift at Enzo’s.”
“Fuck, I upset you, and you go running back to Vinn,” he spits out.
“No, I’m not upset. He’s short-staffed.”
“Well, you’re not doing it, so you’d better call him and tell him.” He folds his arms over his chest and glares at me.
“I’m a little confused, Mac. For a second there, I thought you said I can’t do it.”
“You heard right.”
I laugh, turning back to the mirror to apply lipstick. “You’re not my keeper. I’m going to work.”
“I’m your old man, so technically, I am.”
“Here we go again,” I mutter, “quick to pull that card when you want your own way.”
“If you go there, I’ll have to come too.”
I narrow my eyes. He’s right. When the other ol’ ladies leave the club, they’re accompanied by their men or another club member. I shrug. “Suit yourself.”
* * *
I spend my shift behind the bar, rushed off my feet. Mac spends it sitting at the end of the bar, watching me the entire time. What does he get out of wasting his evening like this when we’re not together? Vinn’s given up and hasn’t hassled me since I set him straight, so Mac could step away now, and Vinn wouldn’t bother.
Just before closing, Vinn shows up. He looks stressed and signals for me to go to the office with him. Mac follows.
“There’s another article going out. I don’t know when, but I have someone on the inside. They’ve heard it’s attacking my character. When are you putting the pictures from today up on social media?” snaps Vinn.
“I’ll do it first thing,” I say.
“We need to find the person doing this,” he adds angrily.
I gently rub his arm, and his eyes beg me to get rid of Mac. I can’t, not while I'm this horny, because I’ll end up right back at square one. “We’ll sort it out. Let’s stick to the plan and post lots of good stuff about you.”
He scoffs. “I don’t think there’s much good stuff.”
“Of course, there is. Loads. Try to forget about it tonight. We’ll meet tomorrow and go over things.”
He glances at Mac, then back to me. “Are you okay?” I nod, faking a smile. “You don’t look it. You look sad and upset. And maybe horny,” he says, grinning, and I blush. “Yes, definitely horny.”