Page 61 of Raven's Place
When he’s gone, I fall back onto my arse and bury my face in my hands. I’m an idiot. A fucking idiot. And I have to tell him what I’ve done.
I watch Raven brush her teeth. She doesn’t look too well, but I tell her she’s beautiful, even when she’s vomiting. She smiles sadly and heads back to bed, and I follow. “What do you want to do today?” I ask.
“I think I just need to stay in bed and rest,” she mumbles. I nod, lifting the sheets and climbing in. “You don’t have to stay,” she protests, but where the hell else would I go when she’s feeling this bad?
I grab the television remote and turn on Netflix. Pulling her to lay on my chest, I find a chick flick I know she loves. “You don’t think . . .” I pause, unsure how to say it, “that you might be pregnant?” She sits up, staring at me wide-eyed. “I know you’re on the pill and shit, but it happens still, right?” We stopped using condoms weeks ago because Raven takes the contraceptive pill.
“But you never come inside me,” she says, and there’s a look in her eyes that tells me this is her problem right now. She’s mad at me because I don’t come.
“Is that why you didn’t want me this morning?”
“Jesus!” she cries, and I wince.
“Okay, so it’s not the reason, that’s fine,” I quickly add.
“But while we’re on the subject, I don’t see the point of having sex when you never come. I find it insulting, to be honest.”
I watch her for a second. She sometimes has an outburst, then regrets it, and we laugh about it, but right now, I see she’s not gonna laugh this off. “Okay, so this is an issue?”
“Wouldn’t it be for you?” she asks. “You insist on making me come, but you never do. Maybe I should stop myself too, see how you like it.”
I smirk. “You have no self-control.” This only angers her more, and I rush to correct myself again. “Baby, stop this. I get pleasure from your pleasure.”
“You can’t even see how weird this is!” she cries.
“I told you, I’m just going through some shit.” I don’t tell her that recently I’ve found it impossible to finish. It’s not always a choice for me. I read up on it and it’s probably due to stress.
“Then tell me about that. Tell me about the shit, so I can understand.”
I throw my legs over the edge of the bed. “Why do we need to drag all that up when we’re getting on so well?” I ask.
“Because it’s stopping you from coming!” she yells.
I spin around, gripping her shoulders and pushing her to lie back. Climbing over her, I kiss her hard and fast. “You want me to come, fine.” I pull at her nightshirt, tugging it over her head and throwing it to the floor. I just want her mood to be done so we can get back to being good again. I line myself up at her entrance and thrust forward. She cries out, her nails digging into my back. It’s hot and fast, and after she comes, she pushes me to lie on my back and climbs on top. She looks fucking amazing, riding me hard with her cheeks flushed pink and her lips swollen from our kisses. Reaching back, she cups my balls, and I close my eyes, feeling the build-up as she fucks me. And just as I release into her, a low growl escaping me, the door opens, and Ace rushes in. He doesn’t pay any attention to the fact that Raven is lying over my chest, panting hard.
“Brother, there’s a problem.”