Page 3 of Grizz
“And I can tell you now, she isn’t gonna talk to me, Pres.”
“I chose you because I know you’ll get her talking, brother. Women can’t resist that cheeky chappie shit you’ve got going on.” He slides a piece of paper towards me. “These are the shifts she’s putting in at Zen this week. Maybe walk her home or something, find out where she’s been hiding.”
“Great, thanks,” I say, sarcasm dripping from my voice. “Is there any other reason you think she’s the grass, other than she doesn’t speak?”
“She hasn’t been staying in her room at the clubhouse.”
“So? The women aren’t obligated to.”
“Where else is she staying, though? She’s too mysterious for my liking, Grizz. I’m trusting my gut on this one.”
“If you’re so certain it’s her, why are all the other brothers paired up with a whore?”
“I can’t single her out, she’d be suspicious,” he says with a grin. “Now, go and do some fucking work.”
I gently lay Ivy in her Moses basket right as there’s a loud banging on the door. I groan when she jumps, opening her eyes. “Fuck,” I whisper before cringing. “Sorry,” I add, picking her up. My daughter might only be a few weeks old, but I’ve vowed to stop the bad language.
I pull the door open, and my older brother, Nathaniel, pushes past me, followed by two of his meathead friends. My heart immediately slams faster in my chest. Since having Ivy, he’s been easier on me, but I’m expecting it to return to normal any day now.
I follow them into the kitchen, holding Ivy close to my chest, and watch as Nate raids my fridge. “Got any beer?” he asks, piling meat and cheese into his hand.
“No, you know I don’t keep that stuff in the flat,” I say.
He opens the ham I was going to treat myself to later and eats it right from the pack. “Start buying it,” he says between mouthfuls, “for when I come round.” I give a nod, even though I have no intention of doing so. Stocking my fridge with beer and too much junk food will result in him calling around a lot more, despite him having a room at Mum’s flat, which is just a floor above mine.
I hate his visits, but mostly, I hate him. He’s just like my dad—a no good, waste of space who loves himself so much, he finds it impossible to think anyone could find him a repulsive piece of crap. And on top of that, he uses threats and violence to keep me and Mum in check. He really is just like my dad. “You working later?” he asks.
“Yeah.” There’s no point lying. If he finds out, he’ll make my life more of a living hell.
He slaps his mate on the back and gives him a grin, “See, told yah.” He then looks in my direction again. “Danny here is gonna come over. See him right, would yah?”
“Clients have to book in,” I say, shaking my head. “I can’t just take walk-ins.”
“Then book him in,” he says, fixing me with a glare that tells me he’ll lose his shit if I dare to push this. But since Thalia took over at The Zen Den, it’s impossible for us to run our own client list.
“And all payments have to be made at the front desk,” I add. “I can’t do freebies anymore.”
Nathaniel moves fast until he’s in my face and I’m pressed against the wall. On pure instinct, I shield Ivy. “Then you better help him out now. Put the fucking brat down and get in the bedroom.”
“Nate,” I whisper, hating how my tone is pleading.
His mobile rings and he steps back, allowing me to breathe a sigh of relief. “What?” he barks into the handset. “On my way.” He gives a nod to his friends and they file out. He gives me one last sneering look before following them.
I release a long, shaky breath and rush to lock the door. I really need to move out of this area to somewhere my family can’t find me.
I’ve been off work for the last eight weeks. This is my first night back since having Ivy just two weeks ago, and although I know it’s probably way too early to be having sex, Thalia has promised to give me an easy shift.
And so far, my evening has run smoothly, which is rare when you work in a brothel. Trust me.
By midnight, it’s quieting down and I’ve just said goodnight to my fourth caller. I sit in the shared living room and relax back, praying my shift will end at one a.m. like it’s supposed to. Thalia saunters over. “You heard what Axel’s put in place?” she asks, filing her pointy nails. I shake my head. Since I found out I was pregnant at six months gone, I’ve spent less and less time at the clubhouse. “He’s putting his guys on you ladies.” I frown. “Apparently, it’s all part of a new scheme that little miss perfect came up with. She wants the club to feel more like a ‘family’,” she says, rolling her eyes and using air quotes.
The bell rings out on the front desk and she rolls her eyes for a second time then goes to attend to the caller. A minute later, she appears with Mr. Green. I give her my best desperate look, but it’s obvious I’m going to have to take the smelly fucker because there’s no one else around. “Fable is free, Mr. Green,” Thalia says sweetly, and I know she wants to gag because his bad body odour is already filling up the small space.
“Actually, she isn’t,” comes a voice from the reception area. A second later Grizz, the Vice President from The Chaos Demons, appears. “I booked her.”
I give Thalia a smug smile and stand. “There’s nothing in the books,” she snaps. “How many times do I have to nag Axel to remind you bikers that you have to book a slot the same as everyone else?”