Page 37 of Grizz
“Only when I woke, he was gone.”
“These men are busy. Maybe he had shit to do with the bar to get ready for tonight.”
I shrug. “He doesn’t treat me like a whore,” I admit. “It’s nice.”
“Maybe you just need to ask him. Talk to him tonight.”
I shake my head. I’m already sick with nerves even though Lexi’s spent the day trying to convince me he’ll want me there and his lack of invite is purely an oversight. By the time we arrive with the other girls, I’m practically shaking.
Axel takes Lexi under his arm and kisses her on the head. When his eyes reach mine, he frowns. “Does Grizz know you’re coming?”
It only unsettles me more, but Lexi laughs, grabbing my arm and tugging me toward the bar. “Ignore him, he’s joking.”
When I look back over my shoulder, I spot Axel looking around wildly and I can’t help but think he wants to warn Grizz. And then my eyes land on him. He’s wearing black—a long-sleeved black shirt with black jeans and his usual heavy boots. His kutte is firmly in place, and I can’t help but admire how hot he looks.
I don’t immediately see the woman he’s hand-in-hand with, but as my eyes focus and my mind plays catchup, he looks my way and I realise Axel has spoken to him. I know there’s devastation playing out on my face, but it’s far too late to back out now and pretend I was never here. So, I take a deep breath and force a smile before turning back to Lexi, who is now holding two drinks.
“You okay?” she asks, frowning.
“Don’t look but Grizz is here with someone.”
Of course, her eyes search him out and her mouth falls open. “Oh fuck. I swear, I didn’t know, Luna,” she rushes to add.
“It’s fine,” I say, my voice coming out as a squeak.
She winces. “What do you want to do?”
“Just act normal.”
“I mean, that’s gonna be hard when you look like you want to cry.”
I take a drink of the blue cocktail she handed me and cough. “Christ,” I gasp, “what the hell is this?”
She laughs, patting me on the back. “Good cover. Now, you can say your eyes are watering because you choked on the blue monkey.”
I join in her laughter, momentarily forgetting about Grizz.
“Why do I think you have something to do with this?” I growl close to Lexi’s ear. She jumps before spinning to face me.
“You made love to her,” she hisses, poking a finger to my chest.
I frown. “Huh?”
“You’ve been leading Luna on, and now, she’s devastated.”
I groan. “Is she?”
“Of course, she is, but don’t you dare tell her I said that. What was last night about if you don’t like her?”
“I do like her. She’s a lovely girl.”
“Oh god, that doesn’t sound good.”
“I’m not talking about this with you,” I tell her, turning away to look for Danii. I let out a second groan when I see her speaking to Luna. “Fuck, she’d better not cause me trouble or I’m blaming you,” I tell Lexi, stomping over to where they are.