Page 22 of Fractured Vows
He looks angry and disgusted. I know what he is thinking.
“Kiss my ass, Hennie,” I seethe, grabbing my cell and shouldering him out of the way.
“Is this why you left him then?”
Turning on my heel, my palm connects with the side of his face before I consider my actions. Both of us are breathing hard glaring at one another as Konnor looms over me, madness dancing in his gaze.
“I’m not some whore,” I spit the words at him. “Not that it’s any of your fucking business but I need someone to watch my back.”
“Take one of my men.”
“Yes.” I roll my eyes at his stupidity. “I left one man only to end up under another’s thumb.”
“Fucking don’t,” I cut him off. “I need to do this for me. On my own. We’ve been friends since I can remember but I won’t hesitate to go against you, Konnor. I’m done letting the men in my life make decisions for me.”
A wide smile spreads across his face before he hugs me.
“You’re going to make all our lives so much more difficult. But I can’t wait to see what you become.”
“You’re nuts,” I say with a chuckle.
“You of all people know that best.”
Taking my hand, he hooks my arm through the crook of his and leads me outside to the black Range Rover standing in the street. Diego watches us intently, taking stock of each movement and filing it away for later. His dark hair is slicked back from his olive-toned face. His strong jaw is covered by a light stubble. He is dressed in all black from his suit to his shirt and even his tie. I can see the bulge of his gun at his hip and I almost smile at his stoic demeanor. He is a perfect asshole and exactly the type of person I need at my side.
“Keep her safe,” Konnor says to Diego as he places a kiss on my cheek. His gaze slides to me. “Call me if you need anything.”
I don’t say a word before slipping into the passenger seat and closing the door. Diego joins me before pulling away from the curb.
“Where do you want to go, Boss?”
“Home, Diego. It’s time for me to reclaim my birthright. And we have some housecleaning to do.”
He nods and turns in the direction of the Hernandez compound. Today will be the first time in years that I have returned to my family home voluntarily and without fear. I stare at the massive building as the car pulls to a stop. Neither of us move to go inside, Diego waiting to follow my lead.
“Are you sure about this?” he asks softly.
Turning to face him I see a softness I wasn’t expecting from a man with his reputation.
“Honestly? No. But I need to do this.”
“Then let’s do it.”
Diego hops out and stalks around the hood to open my door. He extends his hand to help me out as the door at the top of the steps opens. A man I vaguely remember stares at me in shock as I make my way toward him.
“Mrs. Gallo.” He lowers his head in reverence.
“Stop kissing my ass.” I cut him off as my borrowed sneakers squeak across the pristine white tiles that line the entryway. “Gather every man that still says they are part of this family and meet me at the pool. You have fifteen minutes.”
I don’t wait for him to reply before I head in the direction of the office my father used as his refuge. My uncle’s stench hangs in the air and I push the windows open to their limit, hoping to air out the room. I busy myself moving items around, stacking pages upon pages of paperwork in a pile for me to work through later as Diego stands silently in the corner.
“It’s time,” he says after glancing at his watch.
Nodding, I follow him through the house toward the patio where the pool is located. The gathered men turn toward me with curiosity written across their features. I stare at the group. This isn’t nearly enough for what I plan to do but Rome wasn’t built in a day.
“Do you know who I am?” I ask loudly.