Page 32 of Fractured Vows
Rafe: I know what happened. Tell me you’re okay.
The moment I send the message I know I worded the demand wrong but fuck it, I’m desperate. What if a stray bullet tore through her fragile body? Willow might be strong inside, but she’s still human. Mortal. And that terrifies me.
When Dom turns back, gesturing me to follow, my feet move me along like an automaton along for the ride. I check my phone every few seconds, but she never reads the message, and she never responds.
I haven’t felt more helpless in my fucking life.
Chapter Twelve
Lorentzian Chaos
Regina is wailing like a banshee in the back seat and Diego has lost all the color from his skin leaving only a sheen of sweat behind. Speeding away from my home once more, I thought it was only a shoulder wound but that can’t be all. I can see the blood pooling around him in the seat and dripping to the floorboard.
My phone rings loudly and I answer it before putting it between my shoulder and chin. With my other hand I grab the steering wheel as Diego starts to veer off the road. I have no idea if anyone is following us but I do know we can’t stop driving.
“What the fuck?” Konnor roars down the line.
“Don’t scream at me, you prick,” I snap. “I have enough problems without having to put up with your shit.”
“What just happened, Willow? Whose toes have you been stepping on?” He acts like I didn’t even say a word.
My eyes drift to the back seat where Regina has finally stopped screaming and is now quietly sobbing instead. Fuck.
“Kon…” my voice cracks.
“Fuck, Willow,” he says hoarsely. “I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
A sob breaks free at his words and I end the call, dropping my phone between the seats. My heart is racing as I stare back into the vacant gaze of Devon Hennie. He must have caught a stray bullet. Double fuck. Taking a deep breath I center myself. I don’t have the luxury of mourning Devon right now so I tucked it away for later, when I will sit crying in the bath.
Pulling the car off the road, I wait a minute to make sure we aren’t going to be ambushed before jumping out. Rounding the car I keep my eyes and ears peeled for anything out of the ordinary. Luckily we aren’t in a heavily trafficked area or I would have a lot of explaining to do.
Diego groans when I shove at his shoulder.
“Slide over. I need to get us the fuck out of here,” I explain when he grips the steering wheel.
Glossy eyes stare at me before he does as he is told. Fuck my life. Everything is falling to shit and I don’t know which way to turn. I can’t call Konnor because he is going to blame me for Devon’s death. I can’t call Rafe because he will lord this over me forever.
Gunning the engine, I head in the direction of the docks. I know that only a handful of my people will be there at this time on a Sunday, and I should be able to slip past them or send them on their way. But I am still going to need help.
“Regina,” I call out. When she doesn’t reply, I do it again. Louder.
“Yes,” she whimpers.
“I need you to find my phone. I dropped it.”
“I can’t,” she mumbles.
“If you don’t, whoever shot at us is going to find us and finish what they started. I need to call someone to help us. And Diego is hurt.” I know my tone is harsher than she needs right now but I don’t have the time or inclination to baby her at the moment.
I hear her moving around and a moment later she holds out the mobile device for me.
“Pull up Luca’s number and then hand it to me.”
She doesn’t speak as she does what I tell her. I listen to the ringing as I wait for him to answer. Just as I am about to give up hope that he will answer, his voice fills my ear.